
Changes of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms and Quality of Life One Year After Pessary Fitting


 Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is the descend of pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder, and rectum, to the vaginal wall. Patients with POP may present with symptoms such as vaginal bulging with other symptoms like urinary, defecatory, or sexual dysfunction. This study was conducted to evaluate the changes of POP symptoms one year after pessary fitting. Patients with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse who presented to the pelvic floor clinic of an academic hospital between August 2016 and April 2019 were considered. Pelvic organ prolapse symptoms, including urinary, defecatory, sexual, and bulging symptoms, were recorded before and one year after pessary fitting. Pelvic floor distress inventory (PFDI)-20 and pelvic floor impact questionnaire-7 (PFIQ-7) were evaluated before and after treatment for all subjects. We analyzed the characteristics of 110 patients who used the pessary for 12 months. At the baseline, the most common prolapse symptoms were vaginal bulging and pelvic pressure. All urinary, defecatory, and sexual symptoms significantly improved one year after regular pessary use (P<0.001). Changes in PFDI-20 and PFIQ-7 before and after pessary use showed a significant improvement in both frequency and satisfaction of sexual function (P<0.001). The study showed significant improvement in bulging, urinary, and defecatory symptoms. Although the majority of patients were not sexually active, a significant proportion of sexually active patients reported an increase in sexual satisfaction.

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IssueVol 59, No 6 (2021) QRcode
Pelvic organ prolapse Pessary Urinary symptoms Quality of life

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How to Cite
Eftekhar T, Ghanbari Z, Pourali L, Deldar Pesikhani M, Darvish S, Ayati E, Haj Hashemi M, lotfi Z. Changes of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms and Quality of Life One Year After Pessary Fitting. Acta Med Iran. 2021;59(6):327-332.