
Analyses of Kidney Biomarkers in Patients With SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)


The new coronavirus was first reported in China and caused a widespread global outbreak of pneumonia that spread rapidly across this country and many other countries. Acute kidney injury is one of the important complications of COVID-19, which has been shown in some cases. Exploring the diagnostic features of biomarkers of kidney function in COVID-19 patients may lead to better patient management. We collected laboratory data from 206 people with confirmed COVID-19 disease and evaluated their renal biomarkers, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine. The age range of the patients was almost 62 years old. The mean age in the dead patients and recovered patients was 71 and 54 years old, respectively. The average LDH value was 755 U/L, and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) was 267 U/L in the patients. The average BUN was 59.1 U/L, and creatinine was 1.5 U/L in COVID-2019 patients. Among all 193 patients, laboratory results revealed that 163 (85.4 %) patients had an elevated BUN level. Based on creatinine levels for total patients, laboratory results revealed that 49 (25.4 %) patients had an elevated value. The average BUN value in dead patients was 85 mg/dL, while in recovered patients was 40.5 mg/dL (P<0.0001). Also, the average creatinine level in dead patients was 1.86 mg/dL, while in recovered patients was 1.24 mg/dL (P=0.0004). Inflammation following COVID-19 disease causes kidney damage and elevated urea and creatinine levels, which may increase the risk of death in these patients.

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IssueVol 61 No 3 (2023) QRcode
: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Kidney injury Renal biomarkers Blood urea nitrogen Creatinine

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Bakhshivand M, Ghorbaninezhad F, Kazemi T, Lotfinejad P, Khaze V, Masoudfar J, Mirzaei S, Asadzadeh Z, Hajiasgharzadeh K, Derakhshani A, Alizadeh N, Baradaran B. Analyses of Kidney Biomarkers in Patients With SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Acta Med Iran. 2023;61(3):168-174.