
Indication for Operative Treatment of Angiomata of the Brain


Many patients with known angiomata of the brain lead a useful life, and unless it is proved that their life is threatened. or their capacity for work progressively diminishing, do not need removal of the angiomata. In the course of removal of an intracranial hematoma the angioma should be removed if identified. At such a time the removal is easy as the vessels are collapsed. When there is a definite indication for operation, the size ano position of the angioma should not deter the surgeon. Besides and adequate surgical technique, one should utilise all the modern facilities, e.g, hypothermia, hypotension, rapid transfusion and temporary occlusion of main arteries. With proper care the results of operation are gratifying.

IssueVol 7, No 1-2 (1964) QRcode

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How to Cite
Ameli NO. Indication for Operative Treatment of Angiomata of the Brain . Acta Med Iran. 1;7(1-2):10-18.