Case Report

A Left Axillary Artery Variation: Case Report


Fetal abnormalities can cause axillary artery variations. Recognize and document of these variations are essential for surgeons performing interventional or diagnostic procedures for cardiovascular diseases. During routine dissection of an old female cadaver in the department of anatomy of Islamic Azad University, Tehran of Medical Sciences, we came across a variation in the branching pattern of the left axillary artery. The third part of the left axillary artery gave rise to a common trunk which was divided into the subscapular, lateral thoracic, posterior, and anterior circumflex humeral arteries.

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IssueVol 61 No 11 (2023) QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Anatomic variation Axillary arteries Surgery Dissection Pectoralis muscles

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How to Cite
Bayat H, Movassaghi S, Akbari M. A Left Axillary Artery Variation: Case Report. Acta Med Iran. 2024;61(11):699-701.