2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol 4, No 2-4 (1961)
Tentative synthesis of the results of the researches on plague initiated in 1941 with Georges Blanc in Morocco, carried on in the persian Kurdistan since 1947 then in India, in Syria, in Turkey, in Irak and in Java. New acquisitions on the epidemization of human bubo-septicemic plague, discovery of the mode of spread of the rural plague, of the reasons of the seasonal nature of the disease under certain climates and of the interseasonal persistance (carry-over) of the infection, also of the reasons of its temporary persistence in certain foci and of its permanence in other foci. Essay on the decline of the infection and on its fate; new conceptions in the matter of prophylaxi
This research work on the status of poliomyelitis in Iran, performed in 1954, in 1958-59, consisted in providing data on the past history of the infection and on its present diffusion in this country. The serological and COprologi~al surveys produced evidence of conditions similar to thos.e of other countries .WIth the same public health situation: large and permanent (WIthout seasonal v~riatlOnSJ diffusion of the e~teroviruses, reaching percentages of 37 to 74% (accol~'dmg to the groups) of ca:rri!ers-excreters in a sampling of healthy chi~dren u~der five y~a!'s of age, providing high levels of early and complete Immunlzation against the pohomyelitic disease.
This paper is an account of the preliminary results 01' a study aiming to determine Jhe duration and the mode of the change in the conditions of the poliomyelitic infection in a town (Tehran) that has just passed from the: worst water supply to the most modem; with the, hope that such a study would permit to define the true share of water as a source of contamination in the natural history of the infection.
But the conditions of the supply with chlorinated water to the, population are yet too confused and these preliminary results do not demonstrate a sufficient difference, after three years, to allow more than an indication corresponding to the one given by the clinicians of an increase in the number of the cases of the disease. In fact, these results are published only as a milestone to this research programme, meant to draw the practicioner's attention to the interest of such surveys and to the help he can provide in their execution and also to the recommended pattern for the immunization of the children in the present situation
The foundation of an hospital with a specialized dispensary allowed the authors to undertake a study of the poliomyelitic disease on a sufficient number of children to afford the necessary clinical factor to the epidemiological surveillance of the disease in a town under full hygienic transformation. These first results indicate a present increase of paralytic poliomyeliti
A case of papillary mesothelioma peritoneum in a 30 year old man is reported And the question of mesothelioma discussed
In order to find a taxonomical difference between the larvae of A. stephensi and A. superpietus, 100 larvae of each species were taken and the number of branchings of the middle prothoracic hairs in the direction of the outer prothoracic hair were counted. The means found for A. stephensi and A. superpictus are 11.20 and 13.11 respectively, which are statistically significant. Further studies on this subject are suggested
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All the work in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |