Vol 34, No 1-2 (1996)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 145 | views: 230 | pages: 1-6
    Gold preparations are one of the oldest disease modifying drugs in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This are different reports about the effects and complications of these compoumis. these opposite reports may he due to the difference in genetic ami ethnic background of patients. This study was designed to evaluate our results in gold therapy ami compare them with those of western countries. We evaluated the results of gold therapy in 75 rheumatoid arthritis patients. Gold had good effects in 2/3 of patients anil adverse effects was found in 1/4. the effect of golti was appeared after 6 months on clinical parameters and after 3 months on laboratory data. Tlie beneficial effect of golti was lost after 24 months of treatment.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 160 | views: 354 | pages: 7-13

    Children with primary Tslymphocyte deficiency arc more ."I/."'clptihfe to infection hy organisms such (15: bacteria, fungi. prolo:o(J lind virus, 1711.' isniatian oj all opponuniuic ory;ani."m or an IImallally severe infection with higher grade pathogens, provide a clue (0 diagnosis of immunodeficiency, To determine the microorganisms causing recurrent or severe infections in children with T•(rmpllOcy!e doflcicncy, we carried out II retrospective case review oj H5 patients with 1'../ympllOC)'te deficiency who wuc investigated at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, NHS Trust, OH'r the 5 year period between June I, 11)88 and June I, 11)93. Tuc /:mllp of patients included 53 mules anti 32 [cmales, among which 23 and 62 were diagnosed to prewnt SClf) (/",1 elf) subtypes respectively, Among the 174 organisms isolated. these included bacteria (97 isolates], viruses (43 isolates}, funJ:i (25 isolates] and parasites (9 isolates}, 17lC predominant ."ites of infections were mainly the gll."trointe."titwl (60 out of 174) and respiratory tracts (49 out of 174). 171£' most common bacterial infections, were with aerobic gram negative organisms (28 isolatcs), P.H'UdOmOnllS aeruginosa (17 isolates], Enterococcus (/2 isolates), C. difficile (10 isolates], Analysis: of 43 viral infection showed that Homvirus (10 isolates], Adenovirus (9 isolates], Herpes simplex (6 isolates], am!
    C}loml'!:altH'iTlH (6 isalatcs), Wi'rl! prrdominutu pathogens. Candida albicans was IIII' most commonly isolated fungi. Parasitic infections included P. curini and Cryp(o."poridillm, 3 and (j opt of 9 cases. In our }iTOUp of pmients 16 patients' died before hone maTOOW transplantation, due to infectimu complication. Based on this ."tlldy. we ,wgge.lt thai pronytaxis aJjllin.rt bacterial, viral, Jllngal ami protozoa agents is a necessity to minimize infectious complication." in 7~/ympilOcyte deficient patients, awaiting a hone marrow transplantation.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 228 | views: 362 | pages: 14-16
    A randomized cross sectional epidemiologic study about the occupational health problems of hairdressers was conducted in Tehran in 1988. The sample selected for survey consisted of 200 women and 398 men- Study findings indicated that the working hours were often irregular and overtime. Evaluation of working conditions showed that the female hairdressers were more exposed to noise than male. the prevalence of the varicose veins and osteoarthritis are higher than the skin ami respiratory diseases.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 137 | views: 225 | pages: 17-19

    The effect of neuroloptics. Carbamacepine and hensmliacepines in treatment of 8.3 patients with acute mania was studied. According to drug types. Patients were divided into 5 groups:
    1) lithium combined with ilubupridol.
    2) Lithium combined with one plxenoshiacine
    3) Lithium combined with two phenothiazines.
    4) Lithium combined with cubumazepine and
    5) Lithium combined with benzxliazepines
    No singnificunt differences in duration of treatment among the groups were found. According to increased risk of extrapyramidol symptoms in treatment with neuroloptics, carbamazepine or benzxliazepines are preferred in treatment of acute mania as safer comedicutions.


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    The effect of four inhibitors on calmalulin (CuM) were studied by a ftuorescence and ultraviolet techniques. Four compounds IN - ( 6 - aminohexyt) 5-chloro - I - napthalenesulphonamide] (W-7), 1 - [ bis - (4 - chtorophenyt) methyl] - 3 - [2, 4-dichloro - β - ( 2 , 4 - dichlorobenzyloxyl) phenethyt] imidazolium chloride (R24571), trifluoperazine (TFP) , thiodiphenylamide chloride (TDPAC) showed inhibitory effect on bovine brain phosphodiesterase (PDE) induced by CaM. The concentration of inhibitors producing 50% inhibition of of Ca 2+ / CaM activity activity (IC50) and the Hill coefficient were correlating closely between the methods, Ki's and thermodynamic parameters for these interactions were estimated.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 141 | views: 363 | pages: 26-28
    Fasting serum chromium, total cholesterol HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triacytglycerot and blood sugar were determined in fifty two diabetic patients with no other organic diseases anil compared with those obtained from a control group including fourty two healthy volunteers matched for age, sex ami body mass irutex (BMI). Fasting serum chromium and HDL-cholesterol were significantly lower in patients than in controls (p<0.0001 and p<0.001 respectively), but the mean triacytglycerot concentration was significantly higher in patients than in controls (p<002). Mean total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol values were not significantly different in the two groups. Mean intake of energy, proteins, fats and chromium, estimated by the 24 hr dietary recall method were not significantly different in the two groups. We demonstrated that despite an adequate intake of chromium, the fasting serum chromium was lower in diabetic patients than in control subjects. Chromium deficiency in diabetic patients may act as a contributing factor in aggravating the disease's complications.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 325 | pages: 29-32
    Primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism can present with a brown tumor of the mandible. Involvement of other skull and facial bones is extremely rare. Only a few cases with brown tumor of the orbital bones have been reported. An IS year old girl with primary hyperparathyroidism presented with unilateral exophthalmos caused by brown tumor of the orbital roof, lite patient had a 1.5 cm palpable parathyroid adenoma and significant widespread hyperparathyroid bone disease. After parathyroid excision and excision of the brown tumor of the orbit, the patient has remained asymptomatic and normocalcemic daring a 16 year follow-up. The bone lesions of hyperparathyroidism have completely healed. this report documents brown tumor of primary hyperparathyroidism as a rare cause of unilateral exophthalmos, prolonged follow-up after excision of the parathyroid adenoma showed heating of associated skeletal lesions, a fimling ruling out other conditions in this patient. A Medline search in August 1996 revealed fewer than 12 similar case reports. Although brown tumor of the orbit due to secondary or primary hyperparathyroidism is rare, giant cell tumor of the orbit shoulti be considered in patients with orbital tumors presenting with unilateral proptosis.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 114 | views: 213 | pages: 33-40

    1711' object of this study was to determine the prevalence oj asymptomatic infestation with Giardia lamblia lind other intestinal parasites in children of urban anti rural communities oj /lam county and its relation with dwelling place, sex and blood grollp!.. 77w study designed as (l five-month pUTasitoulgica! .m,..£!)' oj fecal ami blood specimens from humans anti performed in 10 urban hcalih-trcatmcru clinics of llam city, two urban health treatment clinics of Eyvun city, two rural health-treatment clinics oj Chavar and Sartaf villages, llam province west of fran, 17,e examined population was preschool {, to 7 year-old children without any 'gastrointestinal compliarus. Prevalence oj infestation in subject grOllp W(l."' 32.54% (n=3100). Among intestinal parasites' G. lambliu with 85.43o/c (27.8% oj all, n=JO(JI)) prevalence rate was the most common. Infestation with 11. nnrm with 1'/.93% and E. coli with 3.07';, were in the second and third ranks, respectively, Infestation shows a distinct relationship with gender (P<0.05) and dwelling place, but it lacks a significant relation with blood groups. This study ."lIOWS that the prevalence of intestinal infestation in 6 to 7 year old child oj llam county hi equivalent to the top oj tile line oj the statistical percentage all over the world. 17,e relation between the severity oj infestation and residence place may arouse the suspicion oj sever contamination oj imbibing water.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 102 | views: 180 | pages: 41-42
    We are reporting on a patient with a large linear syringocystadenoma papiliferum present at birth over the anterior surface of the left leg. Histologic findings and the results of immitnohlstochcmicat staining with monoclonal antihotlies CEA and IKH-4 suggest derivation from eccrinc glands.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 133 | views: 357 | pages: 43-45
    Birth weight is an important indicator of child survival. Appropriate and timely care of a newborn specially if he or she is born with low birth weight is important but this is difficult in developing countries since most of the deliveries are conducted at home where adequate facilities to weight a new born does not exist. This study was conducted to find out a surrogate which could efficiently be used for detecting low birth weight babies at birth when no weighing machine is around. A total of 1050 neonates, between 32 and 43 weeks of gestational age were measured with in 24 h of birth to interpret the validity of anthropometric measurements. Low birth weight was observed in 11.6 percent of the neonates. the study showed a significant correlation (P<0.001) between chest circumference, mid-arm circumference ami birthweight. A chest circumference of <30.5 cm and a mid-arm circumference of < 10 cm had the best sensitivity and specificity for identifying neonates with a birth weight of <2500g. Chest circumference and/or mid-arm circumference can be used as simple and reliable indicators for predicting low birth weight when ever weighing of new borns is not feasible.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 186 | pages: 46-48
    Seven patients who had intractable pain of the pelvis and lower extremities were scheduled for cordotomy of the spinothalamic tracts after preliminary investigations. In three patients laminectomy was performed, to approach the anterior portion of the spinal cord, anil in the rest anterior cordotomy was performed with anterior disectomy under direct vision of the spinal cord. It appears that anterior approach is an alternative technicque for anterior cordotomy in some patients.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 125 | views: 224 | pages: 49-51
    The effects of chronic administration of lithium, on acute toxicity of chlorpromazine (CPZ) in male albino mice was studied and the LDSO values were determined from dose-probit curves. Tfie results showed that in lithium pretrealed animals (anmials consumed drinking water containing 600mg/L lithium chloride for 10 days) the LD50 value (the dose corresponding to probit 5) of CPZ increased significantly from 27.99±0.29 to 45.5±0.47 mg/kg. It seems that concurrent administration of lithium with CPZ decreases the acute toxicity of CPZ in mice. Several interactions between phenothiazines and lithium has been described. It is concluded that concurrent use of lithium anil CPZ, decreases the acute toxicity of CPZ in mice and such interaction may reduce CPZ response. the lithium-induced reduction of CPZ lethality may be due to pharmacokinetics and pharmucrttlvnamics inleractions.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 114 | views: 209 | pages: 52-54
    Ulcerative colitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory bowel disease that diffusely involves the colonic mucosa. the etiology of ulcerative colitis is unknown. the involvement of genetic factors in ulcerative colitis is suggested by some reports of familial occurence anil the immune abnormalities found in patients and their unaffected female relatives. A number of disease with unknown etiology, familial prevalence, and immune abnormalities have been shown to be associated with HLA antigens. Aiming to clarify whether or not development of ulcerative colitis is associated with HLA antigens in our patient population, we studied the distribution of HLA A, li ami C antigens in 30 Iranian patients suffering from ulcerative colitis-using the standard microiymphotoxitcity technique and compared it with normal Iranian population. There was no significant difference in the distribution of class I HLA antigens in the patients with ulcerative colitis compared to controls. lower frequencies of A10, B14, B15, IBW63 and CW3 were found in the patients group, compared to controls (p<0.05, p<0.03, p<0.02, p<0.03 and p<0.0077 respectively). Tliese decreases, however were not significant after correction for the number of antigens tested, there differences may explain a different genetic background.