Vol 35, No 3-4 (1997)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 93 | views: 178 | pages: 58-62
    Hit' protein profile. of different species and strains of Nocardia (N.) were compared by using sixlium dodecyl sulphate - polyacryUimidc gel electrophoresis (SDS-1'AGE) of cytoplasmic extract. In the present study N. asteroides, N. hrasilicnsis and N. otitidiscaviartim were examined. It was found that protein profiles
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 90 | views: 190 | pages: 63-68
    litis study is based on embryotoxic effects of ethanol on embryos and discussing the morphologic and hhtahtgic changes and defects an mouse. Tlie female animals were divided in three groups. Hie first group untreated as a control group but the second and third group received 10% and 20% solutions of ethanol respectively. Animals get use to certain level of ethanol solution and in the 10th day, the pregnancy period has been started. Then on the 19th day of gestation, the embryos were taken out from their mother's uterus and were examined for morphologic, histologic and skeletal disorders. In the first examination, the major defect was weight and length reduction in the second and third groups. these deffects, were severe in the second group in compare to third group that might be related to little consumption of the ethanol solution, due to bitter taste. In conclusion the teratogenic effect of alcohol on skeleton and joint is clear.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 106 | views: 180 | pages: 69-73
    Yersinia cntcrocolitica is new included in the classification of both the invasive bacteria (e.g. Shigella) and the toxicogenic bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli). three human strains and 43 environmental strains were used to produce Y. enteroclitica enterotoxin at 4 C , 25'C and 37 C using infant mouse assay. At 25 C enterotoxin was produced by 10 environmental strains and by all of the 3 human strains. Enterotoxin was produced by only 3 environmental strains (yersinia intermedia) at 4 C. At 37"C, none of the strains protluced enterotoxin. This enterotoxin was stable for 2 months at 4"C andjor 6 months at 60°C. At 100°C for 10 to 60 minutes and 121 C (autoclave) for 20 minutes this enterotoxin did not loss its activity. the results indicate that Y. intermedia may cause food intoxication after food storage at 4 C temperature.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 155 | views: 231 | pages: 74-76
    The effects of chronic administration of lithium, on acute toxicity of carbamazepine (CBZ) in mate albino mice was studied and the LD50 values were determined from dose-probit curves. The results showed that in lithium pretreated animals (animals consumed drinking water contraining 600 mg/L lithium carbonate for 10 days) the LD50 value (the doese corresponding to probit 5) of CBZ decreased significantly from 212.02 to 190.83 mgjkg. It seems that concurrent administration of lithium with CBZ increases the acute toxicity of CBZ in mice. Several interactions between carbamazepine and lithium has been described. It is concluded that concurrent use of lithium and CBZ., increase the acute toxicity of CBiZ in mice and such interaction may increase CBZ adverce reactions. 'Hie lithium-induced increase of CBZ lethality may be due to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics interactions.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 123 | views: 168 | pages: 77-79
    'Die presence anil significance of hepatitis C virus infection among patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) on hemodialysis and renal transplant recipient were evaluated a pcrioil of 30 months. A total of 125 patients, comprising 25 recieving chronic hemodialysis, 47 renal transplant candidates and 5.1 renal transplant recipients, were studied with a second generation immunoassay (ELISA II). We detected HCV antibody in 13% of hemodialysis patients which is 40 folds higher than the prevalence of HCV antihotly in general population of Iran (0.3%), as expected. Fortynine (39.2%) of our patients were HCV antihotly positive, 2H of them were transplanted and 21 were renal transplant candidates. We compared HCV antihotly positive (group I) and HCV antibody negative (group 2) patients. Die results of this study showed a positive correlation between HCV seroconversion, CRF, duration on hemodialysis and elevated liver enzyme levels. Duration of follow-up were 29.62 ± 15.62 months and 31.25 ± 17.50 months in group I and 2 respectively (I' = NS). Duration of preoperative hemodialysis were 54.14 ± 41.18 months and 16.00 ± 10.25 months in group 1 ami 2 respectively (I1 = 0.000}). During follow-up, elevated ALT levels were present in 43.3% and 9.26% of patients in group I ami 2 respectively (I'=0.0001). Immunosuppressive drug toxicity, 1'ostopeative complications including hyperacute rejection and acute tubular necrosis were more common in group I.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 94 | views: 186 | pages: 80-81
    The clinical and histological feature of 52 years old woman with erythema induratum are discribed The characteristic cutaneous lesions on the legs of middle-aged woman were violaceous, indurated nodules, 1 to 2 cm in diameter which were painful, occasionally ulcerated and could heal with scarring. The diagnosis was confirmed by a strongly positive tuberculin test, histologic feature and by clearing of lesions after antituberculosis therapy. The histologic feature was infiltration of dermis and subcutaneous by inflammatory cells with epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant Langhans cell.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 231 | pages: 82-86
    For the first time we have used eyelid skin expansion to facilitate reconstruction of selected patients with shortage of lid skin (e.g. for burn scar and after excision of tumors). This method allows for a controlled increase in skin, need for reconstruction, and offers many advantages over grafted skin transfered from a distance. Color, texture, thinness, delicacy and adnexal structures are aesthetically and functionally better matched. We used expanders in four patients with eyelid skin shortage to prepare suitable flaps for reconstruction successfully.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 112 | views: 322 | pages: 87-89
    3000 patients, having undergone fiber - optic bronchoscopy (FOli) over 10 years, in our Hospital were evaluated. Thec aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of lung cancer in Iran and their correlation with somking and to study the clinical anil radiological signs in different cancers ami the role of fiber-optic bronchoscopy in their diagnosis and the hazards of this method, 'llxe correlation between smoking and the signs and symptoms wax quite significant (p<0.05) and the clinical and radiological signs were more prominent in those such as miners, directly exposed to environmental pollutants. Cough was the most common symptom in our study. 'Ihe right lung holvement was slightly more than that of the left lung and the most common radiological ft titling was mass lesions (38.4% in men and 19.4% in women). Reticulonodular pattern was present in 3.8% of men and 6.2% of women. All the patients underwent the procedure almsot without premedication and no complication was seen in this aspect. 'Hie complications in our patients were tow and mainly included hemorrhage, respiratory distress, anil rarely ischemia and cardiac arrhyth'tma. The most common neoplasm was squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, small cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 180 | pages: 90-94
    A 41 year old woman was referred to our center because of a left breast mass lesion of about two months duration. Routine pathologic examination of the mass revealed a .neoplastic tissue composed of large ovoid cells with clear cytoplasm arranged in broad sheets that were separated by thin bundles of connective tissue. Immunohistochemically tumor cells express smooth muscle actin, cytokeratin, and SI00 protein. Also two axillary lymph nodes were positive for tumor involvement, hence the name malignant myoepithelioma was applied for definition. Because of rarity of this type of tumor and paucity of the reported cases worltlwide, it appears to he an interesting case report.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 90 | views: 169 | pages: 95-96
    A psychiatric survey has been carried out in a solitary small village located in the fringes of central desert of Iran. Out of 106 individuals of 15 years old and over, selected randomly, 57 (53.8%) were found to be suffering from psychiatryic disturbances 21 (41.2%) of them were males and 36 (65.5%) were females. Depressive illnesses were found to be the most frequntfy encontered disorder. The propable reason of relatively high incidence of mental illnesses as compared with similar studies carried out in other parts of the country has been discussed, and the genetical factors, as well as, the life style has-been found to be possible causes.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 145 | views: 189 | pages: 97-101
    A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay with two pairs of primers was applied for the detection of M. tuberculosis complex DNA in specimens of 51 patients. Of these, 31 clinically diagnosed patients (group I) recruited from July 1996 to June 1997 were given antituherculous chemotherapy from one to six months with standard daily regimen (Isaniazid, 5 mg/kg; Rifampin, 10 mg/kg; Pyrazinamitle, 25 mg/kg., and either Ethambutol or Streptomycin, 15 mglkg) and returned for subsequent testing. Other 20 persons (group II) were untreated patients suspected of tuberculosis. 24 patients from group I were found to harbor M. tuberculosis before treatment, however, mycobacterial cultures were recovered from specimens of only two patients after treatment. M. tuberculosis complex DNA could he PCR delected in initial specimens from 26 patients, while 2 months after initiation of the therapy, PCR yielded positive results in specimens obtained from three of them, suggesting incomplete treatment. Of 42 cumulated specimens from patients of both groups that groan culture, 41 had positive results on PCR closely matching to that of culture testing. Of other 40 specimens that produced no M. tuberculosis complex colonies, seven were found to be PCR-positive. however, there was a specimen from treated patient which had negatie result on PCR being positive by conventional tests. These results indicate that the PCR assay is highly sensitive and allows for the effective control of the efficacy of antituherculous chemotherapy in patients.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 99 | views: 170 | pages: 102-103

    A 12 year old child with liodgkin's disease and having received 12 courses of chemotherapy, was referred to thin center with esophageal obstruction. After having performed the necessary investigations, a decision was made to undertake surgery. After surgery, the patient recovered completely and presently enjoys a heallhv life.