Vol 37, No 3 (1999)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 157 | views: 192 | pages: 128-133

    Anopheles culicifacies s.l. plays an important role In transmission of malaria in Sistan and Baluchistan province, southeastern Iran. Adult susceptibility test on fieltt-collccled mosquitoes was conducted in Ohasreghand district. WHO diagnostic test procedures revealed that adult females were resistant to 0.4% dieUirin (mortality 64.5 ± 3.13), tolerant to 0.1% propoxur (mortality 88.5 ± 2.24) and susceptible to 4% DDT (mortality 98.75 ± 0.8). 5% malathion (mortality 100%), 0.1% bendiocarb (mortality 98.86 ± 0.7), 0.25% pcrmcthrin (mortality 98.4 ± 0.1), ami 0.1% lamhdacyhalothrin (mortality 100%). Malathion and lamhdacyhalothrin had the highest efficacy against this species when they were exposed at the diagnostic dose for 1 hour followed by a 24 hour recovery period. DieUirin, DDT a nil malathion had been used for malaria control as an indoor residual spraying. Tlic implication of these findings in the control programme is discussed.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 376 | views: 376 | pages: 134-138
    The ultrasonic measurement of the fetal femur length is a sensitive and precise variable for estimation of fetal growth and development. Tlte objective of this study was to predict gestational age in fetuses older ttian twenty-four weeks of gestation by ultrasonic measurement of the femur length. In this study, pregnant mothers were identified by the criteria of normality, such as well-known LMP, regular menstrual cycles, no use of oral contraceptive pills for the prior 3 months, no smoking, no history of diabetes. The relation between gestational age and fetal femur length was determined by cross-sectional analysis of 900 normal fetuses (> 25 weeks) using real -time ultrasonography. Mathematical modeling of the data demonstrated that the femur growth curve is always linear beyond 24 weeks of gestation. Tlte following regression equation was derived : GA (week) = 5.2 FL (cm) + 2, SD ±5 days (Honarvar's Formula 2). According to this data, the error in estimation of GA for given FL is less tlian 6 days. Tiiis equation appears to be clinically reliable and easy to use. Previous normal ultrasonic fetal femur length curves for otlicr populations may underestimate or overestimate normal fetal age for Iranian population.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 191 | pages: 139-149
    Oxygen-derived free radical* (OFR) involvement in ischacmia-rcpcrfusion (IR) injury was investigated in a rat isolated kidney model, using 20 minutes iscliaemia followed by 15 or 60 minutes reperfusion. Two antioxidants, the xanthine oxidase inhibitor allopurinol and the hydroxyl radical scavenger dimcthylthiourca (DMTU), were uscit to try and prevent OFR-relatcd damage. Renal function was estimated from the inulin clearance, fractional soiiium excretion and renal vascular resistance, location and extent of tubular damage, and type of cell death (apoptosis vs necrosis) were used as morphological parameters of IR-iiuluced change. Cell damage was most extensive in the nephron segments of the outer zone of the outer medulla (straight proximal tubule and thick ascending limb (TAL)). I're-treatment with allopttrinol or DMTU did not Improve renal function. Less structural damage was observed in the TAL of allopuriol - or DMTU - treated kidneys compared with IR alone. In allopurinol - treated kidneys, luminal debris was less extensive than that seen in IR kidneys. Most cell death was necrotic in type and morphological features of apoptosis were seen infrequently. Tlic beneficial effects of allopurinol and DMTU on structural change did not correlate with functional improvement during the reperfusion period, litis may require longer repcrfusion or multiple treatments. Tlie results suggest that OFR ■ injury is of limited significance in this model of renal IR injury. Targeting OFR injury may only be useful after very brief periods of iscliaemia where necrosis is minimal ami the potential for recover}- is greater, Tiie results confirm the different susccptibilitcs of individual nephron segments to injury within the intact kidney. Understanding the molecular response to injury in each segment should facilitate development of methods to accelerate repair after [R injury.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 113 | views: 192 | pages: 150-154
    Effects of 28 days lead acetate (IOC, 500, 1000 ppm) treatment on hypertension ami relationship between blood lead levels and hypertension in male. Spraguc-Dawley rats were studied. Results of this study showed tlxat lead acetate treatment did run decrease, body wcight or water consumption, except for lead acetate (1000 ppm) and sodium acetate (500 ppm) which increased fluid consumption when compared with controls. Tlte doses of lead acetate (100, 500, lOOOppm) used in this study, caused blood concentrations of 26.84 ± 2.23, 43.12+2.40 and 52.8 ±3.44 g/dl respectively. Treatment of animals with different doses (100, 500, 1000 ppm} of lead acetate Jor 28 days, caused a significant change (P< 0.05) in systolic blood pressure when compared to control rats. No dose dependent correlation was observed between blood pressure elevation and blood lead levels in treated rats.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 144 | views: 327 | pages: 155-160
    - Astrocytomas, including glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), arc the most common brain tumors. Post-operative radiotherapy plays an important rote in their treatment. Records of all patients with a pathologic diagnosis of astrocytoma referred for radiotherapy from 1987-1992 were reviewed and prognostic factors with regard to recurrences were analyzed.
    During the study period, 162 astrocytoma patients were treated by radiation in our department. Malc-to~fcmalc ratio was 1.4:1. Tlic disease was most prevalent in the 3rd ami 4th decades of life. Most tumors were in cerebral hemispheres and grade IV. In nearly all patients only CT scan had been used for diagnosis, and total resection had been performed.
    Radiation dose was mostly 5,000-5,500 cGy by standard fractionation. Follotv-up was available for 91 patients, and in these patients CCNU (tomustine) chemotherapy was prescribed for high-grade tumors. Tltrec-year local control was 77% . Grade, extent of surgery, and use of CCNU were statistically significant as prognostic factors. Also 4 GBM long-term survivors were found. Treatment of brain astrocytomas by radiation in our department was concluded to he reasonably successful.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 95 | views: 230 | pages: 161-164
    Some patients with the diagnosis of childhood nephrotic syndrome are unresponsive to conventional treatment regimens. Recent studies of more aggressive therapies have provided strong evidence of the benefit of high dose methylprednisolonc (MP) protocol with alternate - day prednisone alone or with alternate - day prednisone plus an alkylating agent (I) in these patients.
    From May 1996 to May 1997 we have treated 14 patients with non-responder nephrotic syndrome with mcthyprcdnisolone protocol. Eight patients had histologic diagnosis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, 3 diffuse mesangial proliferation and 3 has minimal change disease. C'ylosporin was added in two patients to methylprcdnisotonc at the beginning of the second course of therapy. Tfie patients were observed for an average of 8 months (range 4-12 months). In the last follow up there were no patients in remission and all remained nephrotic. Seven patients had persistent massive proteinuria with normal creatinine clearance (CrCI). Two had decreased CrCl. Five progressed to end-stage renal disease. Tlicsc observations suggest that "Puke" methy{prednisolone is not effective in patients with non respondcr nephrotic syndrome.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 122 | views: 339 | pages: 165-167
    Tlte usual manifestation of acute promyelocyte leukemia is hemorrliagic tendency hut thrombotic manifestations may dominate the clinical picture. We report a patient with promyelocyte leukemia which presented as thrombotic cerebrovascular accident and responded to all-transretionic acid and chemotherapy.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 137 | views: 275 | pages: 168-169
    Systemic candidiasis i" a major problem in high risk neonates. Mortality is high but may be reduced by prompt antifungal therapy.
    Y> c administered amphotericin li to 22 infants lift preterm with imtin birti' weigh: < ISOOg; mean gestational age .t2 i 2 weeks} tun! 4 full term newborn (mean birth weith, MIX- z. 200g. mean gestational age, .M ± .i weeks) infant;. with systeoiii candidiasis. During the IO year period. 22 infants wiln systemic Candida! infection were identified. Ill males and 12 female Within 5 days of starting therapy. 3 infants died I nun overwhelming and severe multisystem involvement, including centra; nervous system Candida infection. Altnoiu-h amphotericin B' may have contributed to the death of -> infants, ovens-helming disseminated Candida infection was the more likely cause. Our experience supports the opinion that infants taurnic amphotericin H well.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 164 | pages: 170-172
    From 515 Norplant insertions in four family planning clinics, 138 (26.8%) removals were documented before the completion of 5 years. The duration of implant ranged from 15 days to 48 months. No pregnancy was reported during the study period in those who elected to remove Norplant. Spotting and irregular bleeding were the most common side effects (93.4%) and the most common reasons for early removal (73.6%). Disturbance in daily religious duties was the main reason for removal in those with irregular bleeding and disturbance in sexual intercourse while menstruating was the main reason in another group. The majority of the sample stated that they would not consider using Norplant in the future; only 6% of the sample (those desiring pregnancy) stated that they would use it again.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 134 | views: 179 | pages: 171-175
    In an attempt to determine the clinical value of frnctosamine assay for monitoring type II diabetic patients, correlation of frnctosamine with glycosylated hemoglobin was studied. 100 patients with type II diabetes mcllitus were compared with 100 normal subjects. Fasting blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, albumin and frnctosamine were measured in alt subjects. In the diabetic patients, a significant correlation was observed between fasting blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (r = 0.64, p < 0.01) and scrum frnctosamine (r = 0.7, P < 0.01). Tlicrc was also a significant correlation between glycosylated hemoglobin and scrum frtictosmine (r = .94, I'<0.01). Frnctosamine, assay can be used as an index of diabetes control.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 124 | views: 1567 | pages: 176-180
    848 testicular biopsy slides of 664 infertile men were reviewed from the archive of Jahad Daneshgahi pathology Center. Tite mean age of patients was 33 years. Bilateral testicular biopsies were performed in 197 cases. In 47 cases (23.9%) the histopathologic findings were not identical Mixed pattern were encountered frequently which must be kept in mirul in pathologic evaluations and reports.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 110 | views: 189 | pages: 181-184
    Seroresponse to the full three - dose of the hepatitis B vaccine (Engcrix-B) was studied in 138 medical and paramedical staff from Tehran. The vaccine was found to be highly immunogenic. Seroconversion rales, scroprotecthn rates and geometric mean titer were found to be 98.$%, 90% and 902.$ mlu/ml, respectively. Tills is the first report of sero-rcsponse in normal Iranian subjects to the hepatitis B vaccine.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 146 | views: 191 | pages: 185-191
    Specific antibody deficiency lias been recognized as an immunodeficiency. In order to investigate an antipolysaccliaride antibody defect as a cause of rcccttrent infections, 30 children were studied. Patients who had been identified to have a major immunodeficiency or structural abnormality or a disease known to cause infection were excluded.
    Tliirty patints, aged I to 13.8 years (mean age, 5.8; male; female, 13:17) were chosen; all liad normal IgG and IgGl. Tiic level of IgA, IgG2 and lgG3 were of lower than normal in some cases. All were immunized with Hih conjugate (PRI'-T) vaccine, and 26 with pneumococcal vaccine. Antibody responses were measured 4-6 weeks later. Twelve showed a poor response to immunization: 8 to pneumovax 3 to Hib and 1 to both. No correlation was observed between IgG 2 level anil specific antibody responses to polysacciiaridc antigens. Tlie infections were more severe and more frequent in children who responded poorly to polysacciiaridc antigens. Chikircn who had infections in more than one site were most likely to have deficient antibody responses.
    These results show that assessment of specific antibody responses to challenge immunization is an essential part of the investigation of children suffering from recurrent pyogenic infections. The study confirms that measurement of immunoglobulin isotypes and IgG subclasses atone docs not exclude significant hormonal immune deficiency.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 139 | views: 208 | pages: 192-196
    in ordere to determine the prognosis of perforating eye injuries caused hy BB guns in our patients, the
    visual and anatomic results of 14 patients with gun injuries seen between September 1996 and February 1998 in Farafti Hospital and private office in Tehran were reviewed. Five patients liad nonn erf orating eye injuries. All perforated eyes underwent scleral buckling, tenseclomy, vitrectomy ami silicone injection. All injured iyes had a visual acuity of light perception or better at presentation. Among 9 cases of perforating injuries. 7 had doable and 2 had single perforation. All patients had a final.