Vol 22, No 2 (1980)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 118 | views: 185 | pages: 87-98
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 120 | views: 352 | pages: 101-113
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 101 | views: 205 | pages: 115-140

    Radiological findings of 20 patients with scleroderma have been described. We had cornmon and uncommon roentgen signs of scleroderma similar to other series and one case with mid esophagus narrowing which we think have not been reported previously.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 127 | views: 338 | pages: 141-154

    Indirect f l uorescent antibody test was us ed to det ermine frequency dis t r ibuti on o f toxoplasmos is in pati e nt s wi th c e r tain spec i f i c c l i nical symptoms name l y ,cho r ioretinits , a b o r tio n s , lymphadenopat hy, hydrocephaly and i n t r a c t a b l e fevers. Tests o n ser a samples of g e ne ra l papul a t ion "no rmal" subject are i nc l ude d for comp ar i son and cont ro l .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 109 | views: 221 | pages: 155-164

    Two hundred pa t ient s o f t he l ow socioe conomic g roup wi th an aborti on o f the f i r s t t r i mest e r were stud 1ed . The s ter i l e produc ts o f concept ion were c ul t ured on Gr e e n Monke y Kidney ti s sue cul t ure f or v i r a l de t e c - tion. Four po s i t i ve Herpe s virus, two positive Rubella
    v~ru s and t hree pos i tive unidentifie d Entero v irus l ike Vlrus were obtained The sera of 192 of these patients were titrated for Rubella antibody. The sera of a control group of 150 normal pregnant women were titrated for Rubella antibody and 8.8 per cent of these patients had a negative titre and 21.3 per cent , 1 had a tltre over 40

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 157 | views: 242 | pages: 165-179

    The over-reliance on bread in the Iranian diet may l ead to relative deficiencies of ribof lavin, vitamin,A , and v i t ami n , C, with housebound persons also suffering from vi t amin D def i cienc y . The increased consumption of ani ma l pr oduc t s , fruit and vegetables should be pr e s c r l - bed . Economic progress could help t o improve die t , and 1S probably already doi ng s o . Increased nutrit ion educatien at all l evels is e s s e nt i a l , especially during teac her trai ning , s o t ha t t h e information would r e a ch schoolchi ldren . Even medical doctors r e ceiv e a ve ry short period of nutrition training so that it i s not surprising that ot he r sections of t he population a re a l so poorly i nformed . In t he me a n t i ~e f vegetable o i l c oul d be v itamini zed, and research could aim at discovering way s to enrich o t he r f oods als o . Patients at risk can be glven periodic i nj e c t i ons o f v i t ami ns A and 0, o r they may take 1 capsule o f "Unicap Hultivitaminll or 1 teaspoonsu l o f IlVi p l e x" daily or eve r y two day s .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 132 | views: 192 | pages: 181-190

    This paper has attempted t o shew t he rela t i onship of the cervi c a l sympa t het ic trunk t o t h e cervi c a l fasc i a . The cervic al por t ion o f each sympathe tic t runk usually cons i s t s of thr ee gang l ia , distingui s hed according t o their pos i t i ons a s t he superior, middle, and i nfe rior , and conne c ted by an intervening c ord. The cervical sympathetics ( t r unk and ganglia) send grey rami communi c antes to all the cer v i c a l spi na l nerves, but receive no