Vol 22, No 4 (1980)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 109 | views: 182 | pages: 267-278

    In our study of surface markers of Iranian children affected by acute lymphocytic leukemia, the majority(80 %)had non-T, non-B, or null cell leukemia. The null- cell l e ukemia had a better p r ogno s l s as was conf irmed by o t h ers. Twe l v e of our patie nts who had null cell l e ukem i a are a live and well 18 mont hs to 20 mont hs a f t e r initiat i on of the r a py. Three of t he patients who had l e s s than 27' null c e l l s in t he i nitial study died i n a pe r i od o f less than o ne year after d i agnosis. Af t e r therapy while on remission , there was a decrease i n the percentage o f nu l l c e l ls ( i n nul l c e l l l e ukemi a ) a nd an i ncre ase i n t h e p e r centage of T a nd B lymphocyt e s i n the pe r i phe r a l b lood which approachta o n the a ge and sex-matched norma l control s ubjects .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 140 | views: 197 | pages: 279-302
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 201 | views: 207 | pages: 303-316

    To determine the usefulness of the time intervals obtained from the first derivative of apex cardiogram (dA/dt) in assessing contraction and relaxation, 20 hemodynamically and angiographical1y investigated patients with coronary artery disease and 29 patients with hypertensive heart disease were studied.
    As a control group there were used 50 normal subjects. Since contraction and relaxation is dependent on preload and afterload, the time interval from R wave of electrocardiogram to the positive peak of dA/dt (R to dA/dt) and two relaxation parameters derived from negative peak dA/dt were investigated, early relaxation index (ERI) and total relaxation index (TRI). In patients with coronary artery disease all of these parameters were augmen- -- ted (R to dA/dt: 121 + 14 controls; ERI: 13.1 149 + 30 Versus + 8 - msec versus 76 + 14 msec for versus 4.3 + 5 in controls; TRI 71 + 18 for controls) and also pat ients with hypertensive heart disease s howed similar change s ( ~ to dA/ cant c orrelatio ns between these indexes a nd some i nternally par ame t e r s of myocar d i a l performance were ob s erved . These findings indicate that s ystolic and diastolic time intervals me a s ured f rom the firs t de r i v a t i v e o f apex ca r d iogr am may be used a s a reliable indices for evaluation o f contraction and relaxation independently of p r e loa d and afterload.

    dt : 115 -+ 15 ms ec ; ERI: 9 . 5 +- 6 ; TRI: 81 +- 19) .Signi f I Measurement o f sustolic and diastolic time interval Is for c a rd i ac evaluation, such as isovolumetric c ont r a ction, preejection period, l eft ventricular ejection time and isovolumetric r elaxation time has been emphasized
    by many authors. However, these intervals are infl- •
    uenced by factors extraneous to contractility and rela1,2 xation, such as variations in preload and afterload To ov e r c ome the latter d i f f i cu l t y , Reale 3 proposed t o determine the time interval fr om ons et of ventricular depolarisation to the positive peak of the first derivative o f left apex cardiogram (dA/dt). because he established the similarity in timing and contour between the first derivative of left ve nt r i cu l a r pressure and dA/dt .
    In order t o avoid the influence of a f t e r load on r elaxation, we divided a s suggest ed by Manolas et al. 4 time
    intervals derived from negative peak dA/dt by mean aortic pressure. The first purpose of this study was t o investigate the average value of interval R t o positive peak dA/dt and indices derived from negative pea k dA/dt in patients with various cardiac disea se and to compare the value obt a i ned with those in a control group. The s ec ond purpose was to investigate in man the relationship between above mentioned parameters and some internal indexes obtained by heart ca t he t e r i zat i on .


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 143 | views: 181 | pages: 317-320
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 139 | views: 264 | pages: 321-328

    The res ults of vag i noplasty ~n t e ~ patients using the Davidov t e chni que have be e n reported . Nine pat ients had the procedure performed f or the i r s t time . One patient had a prev ~o us vaginoplasty , ( t e chni que ). Pos t -operative mo rbi d ity wa s mi nima l a nd the l ong term r esults go' od. Further advantages o f the technique have been discussed

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 192 | pages: 329-334