Vol 23, No 3-4 (1981)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 76 | views: 186 | pages: 79-89

    A case o f fami l ial spongy degenerat ion o f cent r a l nervaus sys tem i s repor ted . Cl inical manifestation ,hi s topathologi c changes and pat hogene sis have been disc us sed . The patie nt 15 a ') months o:d baby "'ho deve:oped nervous disorde r s as hypotonia and sucking di fficu lty short :y a f t e r birth . From t he second month he had hypert oni c and s pas t ic attacks and fina:ly di ~d in r espiratoy dis t r ess . The baby 's parents are c l os e re lative s and t heir fi - rst chi l d had developed s i mi l ar c linical s ymptoms and di - e d at 4 months of age .
    Microscopical l y , pathologic change s i nclude spong i osis o f the enti re whi t e matte r o f t he central nervous system associated with diffuse gliosi s Al zheime r t ype 11 . Re cent ultrastructural and biochemical studies have demonst rated unique fe ature that are consist ent ,with t he accumulati on of excessive f l uid within t he as t rocyti c c ytoplasm and myelin l ame l l ae.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 88 | views: 186 | pages: 91-99

    A case of g iant cell tumor of t he vertebra simulat ing vert ebra plana was reported . t he d i agnos i s o f t he vertebra plana should not be confirmed by t he history of the patient and radiologica l manifestation alone . it can onlybe confirmed by biopsy .
    Bone l esions of the spine i s one of the most di fficul t problems t o diagnosis and t r eat . Spinal tumors a r e either primary or metastatic . Ilos t bone tumors of the spine i n t he first two decade of l i f e are primary and benign;where as a majority of the bone lesions in old people ar e me tast at1,c and rna I 1' 9n ant . 5- 11 The rnaI1' 9~ant Lee Ss 1i 0ns 0f t h e Sp1' - ne can wi t hout very great risk be excl uded f r om diagnostic considerati on in chi ldren and adoles cence (She r r a r d . 1969) 12 . From 34 casps of bone l esions of the spine and the pelvis i n the f irst two decade of l i f e, reported by Thommes on and 1 3 , Paulsen (1967) ni ne were histiochtosis X, two anevr ysma l bone cyst,nine Ewi ng sar coma , two reticul um cell sar c ~ma. None were g i ant cel l tumor .
    Giant cell tumor of the spine is r a re; mo s t of t he report ed cases were in t he sacrum. J affe (1958) 17repor t ed only two c ases of giant cell t umo r, one of which o c c ur r e d in the por t e d s a c r um.Of the 218 cases of the g i an t ce l l tumor re6 by Goldenbe rg and Carnpbell( 1970) there were 13 cases of g i ant c e l l tumor o f the ver t ebra , one in the cervical r e g i o n , o ne in the l umbar spi ne , and e l e ven in t he sacrum. Of '08 giant ce l l t umors studied by Coley( 1960)4 ,one was i n the lumba r ver t ebra and one in the s a c rum. al In a r e view of 413 tumors i nc l uding t he spine(Cohen et 3 1964) tr.ere were sixteen cases o f g i ant c e l l tumor ,one  n the c e r vica l spine , one in the l umbar r e gion and f ourte61 n the sacrum. I n thi s a r t i c l e we are going to report a case of giant cel l t umor of the s i xth thor a ci c vertebra, r adiologically simul ating vert ebra plana .

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    The pr esent s t udy indicate s an incidence of 1/1200 cys t. i,c fi brotic (CF) pat i ent s among hospi taliz ed children. It als o r e ports the reliability o f i nstrumental neutron a c - tivation a na lys i s (NAA) method in t he di agnos i s of CF pati ents. There was no ove r l apping o f t h e results o f na il sod i um conc en t r a t ion i n CP pat ients and ror maL conr.roI s (mean 11 763 ~ 2930 vs 559 ~ 244 ; P <0 .001) .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 92 | views: 198 | pages: 109-119

    Bl ood glucos e l evels meas ured a t half hour intervals in a series of 45 major s urgica l procedur es demonstrated a consis tent hyp er glycemi a during the course of operation . Peaks were ass ociated with per iods of cardi a-vascular stress .. I n cont r ast , pat ients in whom autonomi c act ivi ty was inhibited by ganglionic blockade demonstra t ed a cons ist ent decrease in blood g lucose .
    Pha rmacologic a rmament arium for contr o l of the hyperme tabolic s tate i nduced by surg ical /anesthe t ic s tres s i s r e adily available .
    Open hear t patient s r e ceived 2mg/ kg of morph i ne by drip during i nducti on. Ni trous ox i de-oxyge n 60/40 was supplemented with d-tubocurarine or pancuronium as ne c-essary t o ~ a i n t a i n apnea . Ve nt i lation was cont rol l ed to maintain PaCo of 38- 40 Tor r . General s urgical procedure
    s were s:;l-'tJ .i..eme nt e d wi.t.h meperidine as i nd i c a t e d. Sodium Nitroprusside or enf lurane were empl oyed b r iefly for control of hypertensive episodes on several occasions .
    Surgical f l ui d l osse s were replaced by lact ated Ri ngerls solution, albumin, fresh-frozen plasma and pac ked cells . Pump prime was with p l asmalyte* . Dextrose 5% i n water was used only as a drug- i nf usion veh icle . Five patients of t he general surgery gr oup given pent o l i nium ganglionic blockade , 5-l5mg . as ne cess ar y t o mai nta i n a systol ic B. P. in t he 60-80 Torr range ,provide d a measure o f t he relationship aut onomi c sti mulat i o n e xer t s i n blood gluc ose response to trauma.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 82 | views: 209 | pages: 121-131
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 106 | views: 237 | pages: 133-143

    One hundr od pa t i e nt s hospitalized at t h medical war d o f 2mam Khome nyni . Hospi tal were psyc hia t r i cally i nterviewe d and examined regardless of the i r phys i ca l diag nos i s . Psychiatric diag nosis were so suggested. It was f ound that only 36 rercent o f the s ample were psychologic a l ly normal t he r emaining 64 per cent were found t o have neurotic pers onality o r su~fering from mild t o sev e re psych i a tric condit ions . The modes u f presenta t ion 9f psyc hiatric dis orders espec i a l l y o f depression was further d isc us s e d .