Vol XI, No 3-4 (1968)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 107 | views: 170 | pages: 63-66

    The effect of cortisone on the experimental gastric ulceration produced by intraperitoneal injection of aspirin in the rat is studied. Cortisone has significantly prevented the appearance of aspirin_ induced gastric ulceration. The possible mechanism of this effect of cortisone is discussed.


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 182 | pages: 67-83

    The effect of cortisone on the experimental gastric ulceration produced by intraperitoneal injection of aspirin in the rat is studied. Cortisone has significantly prevented the appearance of aspirin_ induced gastric ulceration. The possible mechanism of this effect of cortisone is discussed.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 111 | views: 171 | pages: 85-93

    (1) Descxyribonucleic acid was obtained from the liver of guinea pigs, (2) Five groups of guinea pigs were subjected to DNA, DNA patients's plasma DNA patient's plasma with Freund's adjuvant, DNA Freund's adjuvant and guinea pigs' plasma and Freund's adjuvant (:") Skin lesions, general manifestations and laboratory studies have been reported (4) A review of the literature has been done

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 102 | views: 165 | pages: 95-104

    The effects of prolonged administration of methylthiouracil were studied on several physiological parameters pertinent to the thyroid function in dog.
    Though the individual variations of the measured parameters were not consistent but the statistical differences of diminution of basal metabolism rate, respiration rate and erythrocyte count- were significant Brief explanations for the mechanism of the pathophysiological findings were presented.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 120 | views: 328 | pages: 105-119

    1251 urincs were examined and III each case the three following criteria were studied
    1_ Presence of pus cells in wet mount (4 or more HPF).
    2_ Isolation of pathogenic bacteria  :J_ Presence of 10,000 or more bacteria per c.c. of urine 801 specimens were obtained from patients referred to the diagnastic Iaboratorv of Institute of Public Health Research. and 450 specimens were collected from healthy soldiers in view of obtaining an idea of colonial count in urine specimem from healthy individuals. Further colonial couht uf 112 specimen were neasured twice in six hours interval. This was done to show that delay in examination may give false positive result .
    Finally the etiological agents of infections were identified and antibiotic sensitivity of E. coli strains isolated were determined