Vol 29, No 3-4 (1987)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 119 | views: 173 | pages: 1-15

    The course of t he disorder is acute and chronic.The acute form o f the disease occurs most c ommonly in children , but is seen i n adults as well .
    The chronic recurrent f orm occurs most o f t e n in women between t wenty and forty years of age.
    We have studied 3000 cases from the patients o f hematological and internal department in Imam Khornaini Medical ~~ntre , Uni. of Tehr an/ I RAN.
    We have found also t h e chronic disorder occurs about 70 % adult women .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 89 | views: 187 | pages: 17-33

    Cell-mediated immune (CMI) s t a t us and sub- popul at i ons o f pe r ipheral b l ood lymphocytes were investigated in one hundre d volunt a ry blood donors who were car r ier s of Ag • HE S A signi f i c ant decr e ase of t otal T-cells observed in HB Ag carri e rs as compared t o normal controls. The percenS t age o f active T-cells a nd B-lymphocytes did not d i f f e r signi f icant ly between the t wo groups .
    Addi t ion of aut ologous serum from HE Ag c a r r iers t o s t heir l ymphocyt e s reduced the numbe r of detectabl e cells in HE Ag carriers . This reduction coul d be due to the s presence of a r osette i nhi bitory f actor in their serum. Our studies demonstrated a failur e o f CMI among HB Ags car r i ers detected by the l e ukocyte migr ation i nhibition (LMI) test. This failure cannot be attributed to the presence of HE Ag-AB complexes in their serum. It is s possible that specific failure of CMI allows the hepatitis B virus to remain harmless in carriers a Hepatitis B surface-antigen (HE Ag); Hepatitis Bs coreantigen (HE Ag) and Hepatitis Be-antigen (HE Ag), c e have been established as indicating ineffectivity in viral hepatitis B ({I, 6 , 20, 28).
    A number of infected individuals also developed clini cal evidence of disease and HE Ag may s the serum of some subjects for a long rema•ln present I•n time (18). It has been suggested that to a defect in CMI, the persistence of HB Ag s whether liver disease is is related present or not, and impairment of the lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) in this group is presented in evide•
    nee (8, •9 , 13, 24, 25) .In contrast, other workers report a normal respons e t o PHA in healthy carriers of HE Ag and s they concludE that the defective T-cell response is relat ed to the live!' disease rather than the immune system (31). Dudley et al (8) have suggested that liver damage occurring after hepatitis B infection, may be an effect of thymus-dependent lymphocytes (12).
    A variety of in-vitro tests have been employed to demonstrate the status of cellular immunity (30, 35). Amongst these the inhibition of leukocyte migration by different specific and non-specific antigens appears to be a sensitive and convenient procedure (37). Leukocyte Inhibitory Factor (LIF) production in the presence of the virus itself has already been demonstrated Ill) .In a preliminary study lto et al. (14) reported that migration of leukocytes could be inhibited by serum containingHB .Ag. Frei et al. (11) have also reported the effect of s purified, partially purfied and non purified HB Ag ons lymphocytes in acute cases of hepatitis B using the leukocyte migration inhibition test.
    The prevalence of HBsAg among some 200,000 voluntary blood donors in Iran was found to be 3.5%(10). We have evaluated the subpopulations of T and B lymphocytes in HB Ag carriers and applied the LMI test in the presence s of PHA, purified protein. derivative (PPD) , crude HB~g positive serum and purified HB~g, in order to define CMI in HS r.q ~ . ~ carr•lers.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 106 | views: 286 | pages: 33-42
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 141 | views: 256 | pages: 43-49
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 127 | views: 345 | pages: 51-59
    The purpose of this study was to determine a simple and sensitive test for clinical diagnosis of various hepatic diseases. Therefore y-glutamyltranspeptidase (Y** GT), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), alanine aminotr¬ansferase (ALAT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels were measured in 29 healthy adults and 88 sera with various liver diseases. Table I represents the results, according to which y-GT activity increases in all of studied patients, especially in alcoholic liver disease and hepatobiliary dysfunction (13, 5, 3,10, 4).
    The data suggest that in liver disease it is better to estimate y-GT level in serum prior to other related enzymes.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 106 | views: 356 | pages: 61-67

    Breast maSses in adoles c ent are common. In ma l e s , almost all are g ynecomast i a . Surgical intervention may be required for cosmetic and psycologic reasons. There app e a r s to be little risk of malignancy in these patients.
    In females, fibroadenoma are the most common breast masse s . There are benign neoplasms that should be remove d if presistent.
    Fibroadenomas increase in frequen cy with age during adolescence.Careful observation and reassurance followed by surgical e x c i s i o n if the mass persists is r e c ommended. Norris a nd Taylor in a s e r ies o f 24 c a s es of c y stosarcomas phyl lodes encountere d 3 cases b e i ng before 20 yea rs of age. This is in contrast to our f i ndi ng o f so high incidnece (8 cases between 12-20 years of age) . (~)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 150 | pages: 69-72