2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol XV, No (1972)
The Japanes were first able to determine A.B.O hair groups using a tube technique. We examined this technique at the Police Forensic Science Laboratory and perfected it. After further research on this problem lasting one year. we have devised a different technique which provides more accurate and reliable results: '" Absorption and Elution on Plates".
A medical synovectomy by osmic acid was performed in three cases of tuberculosis of the knee joint. The result of th is new method was excellent. In 3 weeks the knee joints had recovered entirely without any sequels.
A chemical synovectomy by osmium tetroxide was done for 3 patients with septic arthritis of the knee joint. Antibiotics were given in the same time. The result was excellent and a total recovery obtained in 2 weeks.
Among 100 nursing mothers chosen at random, the average age of weaning was 15 months. There is some relationsh ip between maternal age and parity. One quarter of thc patients started to menstruate during th e first 3 months of the postpartum per iod. and the number increased at a rate of 10 ';.;; every three months. Thus by the end of the first year more than half of the lactating mothers had menstrua ted, The incidence of postpa rtum amenorrhea was 37 ~j~. The duration or amenorrhea ranged between 6 months and 30 months. Pregnancy was the commonest cau se of weaning. Histologica l fi ndings show a " physiological endometritis" in the early post partum period and evidence of estcrogenic under stimulation in the proli fe rativc phase in ca ses of long lactation. No evidence of luteal phase defect in the secreta ry pattern was observed in nursing mothers.
In th is study 50 specimens of whole blood were dried on filter paper and kept at 40"C. The purpose in choosing this temperature was to determine the effect of the heat on the amount of haemoglobin in blood samples after a few months. The measurement of haemoglobin was carried out on fresh samples on the first day of sampling and 240 days after sto rage of dried specimens at 40°C. This experiment showed no decrease in haemoglobin between blood samples immediately analyzed and those o f dried blood maintained at 4O"C for periods as long as 8 months.
In this paper the breast lesions, more particularly the carcinomas. have been studied in the Taj Pahlavi Cancer Institute, Teheran , Iran, from 1956 through 1971. In this period of 15 years the number of breast lesions observed have been 2107 cases of which 1023 cases or 48.5 %have had reference to carcinomas especially among women, the ratio of females to males suffering from this type oflesion being 19:I. The age incidence of carcinomas have been the 4th and 6th decades while the peak frequency has been the 5th decade oflife. Of the various types of carcinomas observed the infil tra ting and intraductal types respectively, have had the highest frequency
1. The importance of the oxygen tension at the time of irradiation is well known (I ),(2); this is shown in radiation biology by increasing the oxygen tension, either generally in the whole body by 100% oxygen inhalation (5), or locally by hydrogen peroxide infusion (7), at the time of irradiation. 2. It is also well known that the reducing substances are protectors against ionizing radiation, In spite of the discovery of many reducing substances, found like radioprotectors, nobody had mentioned the reducing effect of" Hydrogen Molecule" which is the most reducing substance. 3. Since the body fluid is chemically like a physiological solution, if one applies an anode of a galvanic current to the malignant tissues (at the time of irradiation), and the cathode at another body point, it is possible to increase the oxygen tension in the malignant tissues, and the hydrogen tension in the rest of the body, and consequently to obtain two beneficial effects. To verify this idea a study of the combined effects of X-rays, and electrolysis has taken place on the embryon hematopoietic system of mice which has justified the hypothesis.
The value of zinc in whole blood and plasma was determined in ? 16 Iranian subjects (121 women, and 95 men) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In women, the mean value in whole blood was 71 8•+ ?12 p.g ' -L 100ml and in plasma was 91 --'- 37 ugfl OOml. In men, the mean va lue in whole blood was 775 ..:t 26? I'giiOOml and in plasma was 100 + 30 J1g!"OOml
Bezoar, an illness known for a long time is nowadays the subject of renewed interest. This is due to the fact that it may occur as a complication of the gastric operations now used with increasing frequency. A case of phytobezoar after vagotomy and pyloroplasty for peptic ulcer is reported. The patient recovered with normal medical treatment. Codifying the etiology, pathogeny and treatment has been attempted; three principal conclusions seem to appear: - The main role of the vagotomy in the genesis of the disease. - The most valuable aids in diagnosis are X -Ray examination and sometimes gastroscopy. - The rlative ease and efficacity ofmedical therapy.
The radiology diagnosis of primary hydatid disease of the kidney is possible when a renal mass is noted on the radiograph. part icula rly in the countries where this disease is prevalent. Cha racteristic radiological signs, hydatiduria, eosinophili and specific examination such as Casoni and Weinberg tests are a ll helpful to assist the diagnosis. Twelve cases of primary hydatid disease of the kidney have been seen in our 10 yea rs study. The diagno,sis in the majority of these cases was primarily radiological. In three cases hydatiduria was observed. In one case in which resection of the cyst and partial nephrectomy was done recurrence was observed after nine years. Etude radiologique de J2 cas de kyst hydatique primitive du rein, • La diagnostique radiologique de kyst hydatiquc primitive renale est possible. quand on peut noter une masse rena le en radiographic, particulie rement dans les contrces ou ceue maladie est preva lcnte. Les signes radiologiques cha ractcristiqucs, hyda tidurie, eosinophilie, et exarnen spccifiques, comme teste de Casoni , ct Weimberg assistent au diagnostique. Auteur a prcsentc 12 cas de kyst hydatique primitive renal, diagnostique radiologiquement pendan t ces dix derniers annees. Dans trois cas hydatidurie eta it observe et dans un cas, 9 ans apres la ncphrectomie partiellc et resection de kyst , on a rernarque la rechutte de la maladie.
Serum iron and total iron binding capacity anti percentage saturation were measured in 100 apparently normal individuals (50 men and 50 women) , The ages of the men were from ?2• 50 and of the women from 19-30, Average serum iron in men was I33AmgjlOO ml and in women 112.5mg/ 100 ml, The average values for total iron binding ca paci ty were 306,?mg/ for men and ?90mg/ 100 rnl, for women, Percentage siderophilin sa tu ra tion was 44.3 /~ for men and 43.6 %for women.
The clinical history and necroscopic fi ndings of a 3 -} year old girl - involved in cor biloculare was reported. In th is case dextrotransposition of the great a rteries and polysplenia was observed. The majority of cor biloculare cases appearing in the literature being accompanied by asplenia, the present case of polysplenia is relatively rare
The tendinous intersections of the Rectus Abdominis muscle, their place, number and form on 100 human corpses (98 men -? women), have been studied, and the results are as follows.
Two new cases of aneurysmal bone cyst of the spine are presented. In one of them only the spinous process was involved, and in the second case mthe neural arch and the body were involved. A brief review of the literature with clinical, radiological and pathilogical features of this benign lesion is made and its differential diagnosis, specially from giant cell tumor of the spine emphasised.
An account of the management of a haemophilic patient is presented who developed severe, prolonged hacmoptyscs caused by hydatid lung disease, and who ultima tely requ ired thoracotomy and lobec tomy of the lungs.
Acute plasma cell leukemia with Bence-Jones proteinuria is reported in a 60 year old lranien male with a 25 day history of acute onset of fever. weakness, weight loss, diarrhea and bloody stools. The patient was noted to be cachectic and anemic. He had purpuric and petechial skin lesions, generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly. Up to 80% immature plasma cells were present in the peripheral blood and the platelet count was 10,000. Bone marrow was hypercellular and that most of it was composed of immature plasma cells. Serum electrophoresis showed increased beta globulins and Bence-Jones protein was strongly positive in the urine. The patient died after nine days in uremic coma with haemorrhagic diathesis. Auto psy showed wide spread infi ltra tion of plasmocytes and plasmocytoblasts in all organs.
One hundred one cases of urban cutaneous leishmaniasis from Mashad and Teh ran were placed under treatment with either one or two sim ultaneous standa rd doses of cycloguanil parnoate. Out of 101 patients, 96 were followed until the 120th day; 31 (31 per cent ) recovered with in 60 days, ?3 ('3 per cent) recovered utter between 60 and I70 days, and 42 (42 per cent) did not respond. A higher recovery rate was o bserved in subjects who received two simultaneous doses of the drug (38 per cent cithin 60 days), Recovery ra te was also higher in the patients from Tehran who were children aged 7 to 12 yea rs, However, our results indicate that Carnolar is less effective than pentavalent an imonial (Glucantime). The side-effects of the drug were tenderness (83 per cent), induration (27 per cent) fever (6 per cent) and abscess (2 per cent). No changes in complete blood count were observed. The incidence of adverse drug reactions was higher when two simultaneous doses were given.
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All the work in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |