Original Article

Effects of Different Doses of Hyaloronan on Human Sperm Motility, Vitality and Morphology


Important aspect of sperm function such as motility and capacitation appear to be mediated at least partially though hyaloronic acid (HA). Present study investigated effects of different doses of HA on sperm motility and vitality in human. Sperm was obtained from 20 male from IVF clinic in Imam Khomeini Hospital. Sperm motility and vitality in human semen was analyzed according to WHO criteria before and 4 hours after treatment with different doses of HA (0.750, 1000 and 1250 µg/ml). The results showed that in 1000 µg/ml the percent of stage 3 and 4 increased compare to control group. Percent of stage 1 and 2 decreased in group with 1000 µg/ml HA, there was an increase in the percentage of stage 3 and 4 and decrease in percentage of stage 1 and 2 compare to control. In the group treated with 1250 µg/ml stage 1 and 2 increased while stage 3 and 4 decreased. Vitality in all groups decreased except of the group treated with 1000 µg/ml HA. The group with 1250 µg/ml showed significantly decrease in vitality compare to fresh group (P < 0.05). The present study showed that the effects of HA on sperm motility and vitality is dose dependant and 1000 µg/ml HA had the effective role on sperm parameters.

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IssueVol 47, No 5 (2009) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
Human sperm hyaloronan sperm parameters

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Mohammadi Roushandeh A, Sohrabvand F, Amanpour S, Pasbakhsh P, Sobhani A, Nikzad H, Sobhani A. Effects of Different Doses of Hyaloronan on Human Sperm Motility, Vitality and Morphology. Acta Med Iran. 1;47(5):369-372.