
A Woman with Nasal Mass and Epistaxis: An Unusual Presentation of Leprosy


Leprosy is an infectious and non-fatal disease that mainly involved skin and peripheral nervous system and caused by Mycobacterium Lepra. This case is a 41-year-old woman with intermittent nasal bleeding and a mass (1.5×2.5 cm) in the right side of lateral nasal wall and a (1×1 cm) mass on septum in the left side of the nose. Considering the probability of intranasal tumor, endoscopic biopsy for histopathologic examination had been done and the result confirmed the diagnosis of leprosy. After unexpected proving of pathologic leprelepromatose, the patient put under 3-drug- treatment.

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IssueVol 47, No 6 (2009) QRcode
Leprosy bacillus nose

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Gerami H, Kousha N. A Woman with Nasal Mass and Epistaxis: An Unusual Presentation of Leprosy. Acta Med Iran. 1;47(6):479-483.