
Prevalenoe of Drug - Resistant Staphylococci in Teheran University Hospital Wards


1) Fifty coagulase posittve strains of staphylococc~~ ~folated fr.o~ .the nose
and wrist of Hospital nurses have been examined for sensltfvlty to pemcilhn, tetracyclines,
chloramphenicol, dihydrostreptomycin, erythrorriycm, neomycin, kana.n:ycin,
bacitracin, polymyxin-B and the triple sulfa. The percentages of fully sensittve strains at the present are as followe:                                       Erythromycin                                       100%
Neomycin                                             78%
Kanamycin                                            78%
Chloramphenicol                                     68%
Dihydrostreptomycin                               52%
Penicillin                                                18%
Tetracyclines                                         16%
Polymyxin-B                                            1%
Triple sulfa                                              0%
2) The following topics have been discussed:
a) The origin anr" mechanism of drug resistance
b) Cross-resistr.nee
c) The hospital epidemiology of Staphylococcus
d) The clinical implications of Staphylococcus drug-resistance

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How to Cite
Shafa F. Prevalenoe of Drug - Resistant Staphylococci in Teheran University Hospital Wards. Acta Med Iran. 1;3(4):19-25.