Mobile Learning Among University Students: Adoption and Application of M-Learning
The successful implementation of mobile learning is mainly impacted by learners’ attitudes to accepting and applying mobile learning systems. In the current study, an m-learning application was developed and implemented for university students, and their perspective toward the adoption and application of m-learning was investigated. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2020. The participants were 114 university students at Abadan University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected by means of a valid questionnaire containing 42 questions in 13 subscales in addition to an open-ended question about the positive and negative aspects of the m-learning application. There was a significant relationship between acceptance and major (P=0.001), mobile usage (P=0.035), and familiarity with m-learning (P<0.001). The total mean of m-learning application acceptance was 3.95±0.32, which shows a good level. Self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, and user interface were, respectively, the most influencing factors; mobile device limitation and governmental support were the least influencing factors. “Direct communication with the teacher/instructor” and “Internet disconnection during video teaching” were among the positive and negative aspects of applying the m-learning application, respectively. The m-learning application was well adopted among the students. Mobile device limitations are a reason for the student's concerns. “Usability features” can be a point for covering mobile device limitations.
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Issue | Vol 60 No 11 (2022) | |
Section | Original Article(s) | |
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Distance education Distance learning Attitude Acceptance |
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