Vol 6, No 1-3 (1963)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 127 | views: 175 | pages: 1-8

    The occurrence of adenitis ~foll owin g- the BCG vaccination is only a sign of . b the germ through the lymphatic way. expected invasion of the orgamsn: . y" d " ble complication of vaccination, O 1 th purating ademtls IS an un esira ruy, e sup 5 at most of the vaccinated people. Any which does not occur in more than 10/0 or 1,. % b ed by the. authors in 1957 . tage (as It was 0 serv increase, even slight, of this percen . . lation of the vaccine. and 1963) may indicate errors in preparatlOn or mocu

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 125 | views: 208 | pages: 9-21

    The pre.sent rep.or,t describes the morphological and if nod H pron erative aspects of lymph es III odgkin s disease grown in tissue culture. The development of Hodgkin's lymph-nodes grown in vitro seems to depend upon the  a~e of t~e person and the stage of the Hodgkin'S disease at the time the I h IS obtained. ymp - The morphological and the proliferative aspects ('hELralcteriZI~d of Hodgkin's lymph-node is _. by four cytolOgically distinct phases:
    A- Simple emigrating phase.
    B- Simple proliferative phase.
    C- Complex proliferative phase.
    D- Degenerative phase.
    The reticular cells, their evolution, and abnormalities St b . , ern erg cells and multinuclear giant cells have been sutdied and discussed. 14 K. ARMIN

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 114 | views: 304 | pages: 22-32

    From a total of 600 nose and throat introduction swabs examined for diphtherie, 200 or 33% were positive. Cultures were carfully classified on the basis of morphological appearance and biochemical characteristics into Gravis, Mitis and Intermedius groups.  A special tellurite serum agar was used for colonial appearance. Neill's broth culture was employed for haemolytic tests. The virulence of each culture was examined in laboratory animals by the agar gel precipitation method of Elek. From 200 cultures tested, 138 or 69% were gravis, 5 or 2.5% were intermedius, and 57 or 28% were mitis. 'I'hre.e strains of gravis type and one strain of mitis type were avirulent

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 83 | views: 182 | pages: 33-45

    The case under consideration was a glioma of the optic nerve, one of the rarer tumors. Microscopically it was diagnosed as a oligodendrocytoma.
    The patient, whose disease bage before the age of puberty, complain.ed of poor vision which in the course of five yars resulted in blindne

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 306 | pages: 46-59

    In order to study the epidemiology of accidents in Tehran City, the author has collected and analysed records of more than 25,000 accident cases for the period 1960-61 from all available sources such as newspaper rapportages,nine major hospitals of Tehran, Forensic Medicine Department of Ministry of Justice, Vital Statistics Department of Ministry of Health, Labors' Insurance Organization, etc. Approximately 1400 deaths and 17000 severe injuries are accident-induced annually in Tehran and accidents are in the sixth place, as causes of death (=6.7%). They rank first as the pause of deaths for the age group 5-45 years (=23.8%) and fourth for the age group 1-44. (=9. 6%). The distribution of accident types is as follows:- The distribution of accident types is as follows:-
    1. Motor vehicle accidents                                         27/8%
    2. Other transport accidents                                      3.7%
    3. Drowning                                                            19.6%
    4. Falls and builidng collapses                                      16.8%
    5. Burns (all sorts)                                                     12.4%
    6. Poisoning                                                              8.8%
    7. Accident caused by electricity                                  2.6%
    8.all other accident                                                    8.3%
    Various epidemiological aspects of these accidents and an analysis
    of fights, suicides and murders are given in the body of the paper