Vol 33, No 3-4 (1995)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 237 | pages: 64-68
    The effects of adenosine,5-N-ethylcarbox-amidoadenosine (NECA), 2-chloroadenosine (2-CA), N6-phenyiisopropyladenos'tne (L-PIA and D-PIA) and N6 -cyclohexyladenos'tne (CHA) were examined on the mouse Isolated vas deferens. All the compounds in a concentration-dependent manner inhibited electrically induced contrac¬tions. IC of adenosine and its analogues were 13.68 ± 5.97 for Ado, 0.736 ± 0.087 for 2-CA, 0.034 ± 0.009 for CHA, 0.056 ± 0.008 for L-PIA, 0.099 ± 0.028 for NECA, and 1.444 ± 0.183 for D-PLA. The P, -purinoceptor antagonist, 8-PT , caused a rightward shift of all the adenosine and its analogues concentration-response curve. Dipyri¬damole, an adenosine uptake inhibitor potentiated the relaxation to adenosine thus causing a leftward shift of adenosine concentration-response curve. Dipyridamole had no effect on the relaxation induced by the analogues. The order of the potency for the adenosine and its analogues on the mouse isolated vas deferens was: CHA> L-PIA> NECA> 2-CA> D-PIA> Ado. This study proposes that adenosine and its analogues mediate their inhibitory effects on the mouse isolated vas deferens via At adenosine receptors.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 111 | views: 193 | pages: 69-73

    r'Iwenty-nine patients were studied to determine the number of CJ).j+ Tscell subsets in Iranian allergic rhinitis patients. The result was compared with that a/twenty-four nonatopic controls. The number of11 and CDS+T cell')and levels ofspeafic IgE and /g(;4 against weed pollens were also studied The number of lymphocyte subset, tltat is, CD-/+ C/)29+and C1Jf CJ)451t cells were determined hy doublelabeling immunofluorescence assay. The results showed that the number ofClJ-I+ CD.f.5It cells to; significantly higher in the patients (626 ± 251.-1cell')per one micro/iter ofperipheral blood) than in control subjects (479A ± 78.2 cell per one microliter) (P <().05). However, there WlLf no statistical difference between the number oJCJ).f+ CD29+cells in the tH'O groups. There were no correlation between the number of CD.f CD.f5It cells ill tlte peripheral blood of allergic patients and levels of total and specific IgE, hut a direct correlation was found between tlte levels ofspecific IgE and specific IgG.j ill the sera oj allergic patients (r=O.55, P < 0.0(2).

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 105 | views: 169 | pages: 74-78

    Immunohi5tochemical determination ofoncogene proteins in human tumors is becoming increasingly important/or obtaining a better understanding ofprocess of tumorigenesis. TIlenuclear p53 protein has been detected in a variety ofturnors and has been implicated as a diagnostic marker for malignancy detection. In current study, the distribution of p53 was determined in paraffin-embedded sections obtainedfrom oral squamous cell carcinoma (SeC)
    and oral malignant melanoma (llfM). Normal oral mucosa, hyperplastic/dysplastic oral lesions and benign pigmented lesions were included/or comparison. Expression ofp53 was detected by meum- ofimmunohistochemistry method using ami-p53 monoclonal antibody, which was specific to all known forms ofhuman p53. Results showed that only 1/15 normal oral mucosa had a few nuclear p53+ cells scattered in the basal cell layer in all section. Positive cells werenot found in an)' of the benign hyperplastic lesions but 8/11 dysplastic lesions had afew p53+ cells (approximately 5% to 10%)spreadin the dysplastic region ofthe sections. Nuclear p53 staining was found in 19/22 oral sec samples examined Numerous malignant cells (approximately 90% to 95%) were strongly positive for p53 oncogene, in these sections. In pigmentedlesions, p53+ cells werepresent in the majorityofbenignpigmented lesions. Each section had over 95% melanocytes stained positively for the antigen.
    Malignant melanomasshowedstrong immunoreactivity in all the samples examined Approximately up to 90% to 95% of malignant melanocytes were p53 positive. It is concluded that expression of p53 oncogene WU5 more enhanced in dysplastic oral lesions than was expressed in benign and normal oralmucosa. TIle highestlevel ofp53 expression WU"found in oral sec sections. Accordingly, p53 expression corresponded to the aggressiveness of tumor cells in oral mucosal lesions. Secondly, p53 expression in malignant melanoma was not associated with increasing malignancy and provided inadequate indication of malignancy development in pigmented lesions. Finally, archives of paraffin embedded lesions provided useful sources for detection of specific tumor markers, in a variety of pathologicalconditions.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 125 | views: 198 | pages: 79-82

    rli....xposure ofthe guinea-pig whole a/ria to lithium (1 and 5 mM) produced a reduction ofinotropic response to ouubain. The inhibitory effect oflithium (1 m"f) was slight, whereas lithium (5 mM) significantly reduced tlze response oj the preparations to ouabain (2 and 3 /-df). Lithium (l and 5 mM) did not modify the inotropic response to 2 and 3 ,tiM of ouabain ill electrically stimulated guinea-pig left atria. Lithium was not able to modify the capacity of ouabain to produce arrhythmia The extent of contribution of the ouabain-like effect of lithium to our results could 1101 be assessed, thus, all interaction between ouabain and lithium seems unlikely.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 182 | pages: 83-87

    Ln this study several tests showed that high level of iron either in sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis, th alassaemia major or in standard iron solutions, have inhibitory effect Oil capsule production of Cryptococcus neotormans. This work is concerned with the probable role of iron in pigeon's natural resistance against cryptococcal infection: No protease activity was detected in either capsular Of acapsularyeasts whereas high activity of p-glucufonidase was demonstrated in the only experimentally produced acapsular Olle. This suggests the porticipotion of iron in demonstrating pathogenic character oforganism and related aspects.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 107 | views: 168 | pages: 88-90

    Giant cell granulomas of the jaws are rather common in [rail, however, more reliable data need to be published In this retrospecti ve study 1,083 cases ojPGCO and CGCG (817 peripheral and 203 central) were extracted from 6800 oral biopsy archives of the Oral Pathology Department and were analyzed: Age and sex ofthe patients and type and location distribution were obtained Our results show that most cases ofPGCG and CGCG occurred before
    the fifth and during fourth decade, respectively. Slight predominance offemales was notedfor both types. Mandible wa~ often more affected (60.3%), especially in the premolarmolar region. The results obtained in this study were in agreement with other independent reports.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 102 | views: 183 | pages: 91-95

    This work is a report 0/9 cases ofarcuate incision for correction 0/astigmatism, after penetrating keratoplasty. Plannings were based OJJ corneal topography, and the first operation was always arcuate incision alone. 11,e secondary plans were based on refractive errors. The mean of preoperative astigmatism was 6D with the range of5 to 9/). After arcuate incision a/the graft-host interface in the firs' operation, 'he mean reduction ofastigmatism was 3. OS/) with the range 0[0.5- 4.5]). Mean spherical equivalent change was O.16D. Arcuate incision is an appropriate methodfor correction ofastigmatism after PK and can he considered a.s a single procedure for [ow astigmatism, although the results may be unprediaable:

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 160 | views: 238 | pages: 96-99

    This study was carried out as a pilot project in Imam-Khotneini, a teaching general hospital mainly dealing with cases of reconstructive surgery. The age of onset! geographical distribution, histologic type and other features ofskin cancer in Iran were determined. The most COftUtlOll neoplasm in both sexes was Bee The age group 0/65 and over had higher rate of acquired skin cancers. East Aiarbuijan province had the highest numher of patients.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 178 | pages: 100-102

    This work is a retrospective study of112 patients who had undergone pericardiectomy in Imam-Khomeini Hospital, in 1983-1994. The patients were categorized into groups /j and B. There were 48 patients in group A whose etiology wa.'i" known before operation, such as uremia, infeaion, and malignancy. Group 13 consisted of64 patients. The cause ofpericardial disease could not be ascertained in group B and therefore, constrictive pericarditis prompted us 10 perform pericardiectomy. Pathologic findings of pericarditis were attributed to tuberculosis only in6 (9.4%) of the cases in group B. .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 167 | pages: 103-105

    One hundred myasthenic patients were prospectively studied The ratio ojfemale to male was approximatelv 1.12. Disease onset was most common in the third decade. The incidence of disease onset after age SO was significantly higher ill men. The 11l0,'i! common presenting symptoms were ocular, seen in 76% ojpatients. III several cases, disease presentations were atypical, with symptoms such as weakness of chill or jaw, Of dysphonia. 1/1 31%of cases, the symptoms remained confined to ocular problems for two years Of more. Accompanying diseuse states were present in 5% of patients. Twenty-two percent had a myasthenic crisis, which was more common in women. Thirty-three patients underwent thymectomy. The most common thymus histopathology was hyperplasia (75.7%). Thymoma was observed ill six cases (18.1 %). Four patients died during the study period .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 109 | views: 171 | pages: 106-109

    Hamartoma is a relatively uncommon lesion in head and neck region. Although hamartoma is not a (rue neoplasm, hut it behoves ill tumor like manner in mall)' ways. In this manuscript five cases ofhamartoma ofhead and neck region, one case each from soft tissue cheek" soft tissue ~leck, maxilla. gum margin and longue are reported and pertinent literature is reviewed Act

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 146 | views: 187 | pages: 110-116

    Abstracf--Trontal cortical dopamine (DA) systems may play an inhibitory role inmotor behavior, possibly mediated through the nucleus accumbcns (NAc). Bilateral lesions ofDA terminals in medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and bilateral electrolytic lesions in NAc both induce hyperactivity in rats. However, unilateral NAc lesions elicit hyperactivity only from the right hemisphere. The purpose of the present experiment was to determine whether unilateral lesions of catcchclamin (CA) terminals in MPFC elicit an asymmetrical increase in locomotor activity, and whether this effect is dependent on norepinephrine (NE) or DA terminals. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were housed in runningwheel cages for 21 days before and 30 days after receiving intracortical infections of the CA neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopaminc
    (6-0HDA), either with or without pre-treatment with desmcthylimipramine (DMI), a noradrcncrgic uptake blocker (n-? and 5 pair, respectively). Rats were paired according to baseline activity and alternate members of each pair lcsioncd in either the len or right MPFC. Lcsicncd animals not pretreated with OMI were significantly more active than pretreated rats, indicating that NE terminals were relatively more