Vol 34, No 3-4 (1996)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 205 | views: 355 | pages: 55-60
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 119 | views: 203 | pages: 61-64
    The effects of thiamine, ascorbic acid ami their combination an workers who are continuously exposal to lead has been investigated. In this study 60 persons in a Battery industry was selected and divided into four equal groups. Group I received placebo, group II thiamine (300 mg), group III ascorbic acid (250 mg) anil group IV thiamine (300 mg) plus ascorbic acid (250 mg) three times a day (Orally). At beginning of the study and after one month of above drug regimen; blood, urine and a questionnaire about their clinical signs were examined. 'there were no significant differences between blood anil urine lead level in all groups after treatment. Zinc protoporphyrin (zpp) level showed a significant reduction in ascorbic acid treated group (group III) as compared to pretreatment. Clinical manifestation improved in the group that received both vitamins (group IV). However, from a clinical stand point, it appears the usage of these vitamins may have a beneficial effects in lead occupational exposure.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 119 | views: 177 | pages: 65-69
    - the case definition for the syndrome of idiopathic CD4+ T-hymphocytopenia (1CL) includes a heterogeneity of disorders. As yet there have been very few published reports of chiUlren who meet the WHOjCDC criteria and it is unclear whether ICL is an acquired or inherited disorder. ChiUlren referred to a pacdiatric immunodeficiency unit between 1991 and 1993 for investigation of immunodeficiency were included if they met the above criteria. Six unrelated chiUlren from various locations in the Persian Gulf region met the criteria for ICL. 'Die parents of all six patients were related. These patients emphasise the heterogeneity of the syndrome and that low CD4+ counts may¬be present in early childhood. In view of the early onset of symptoms ICL may be congenital in some patients, parental consanguinuity suggests an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 174 | views: 229 | pages: 70-72
    The pathergy phenomenon (PP) is one of the hallmarks of Behcet's Disease (BD). It has been reported to be positive from 17.5% to 83% of cases in different studies. PP is used as a diagnosis criterion in the Dilsen criteria, the Japan criteria, the International criteria, and the Iran criteria. It is therefore important to know wether PP is a fix manifestation of the disease or a cyclic manifestation like mucocutaneous disorders. To evaluate the charaterist'tc of P'P over a period of time, 77 patients were selected randomly (rcgaardless of their disease activity or their disease manifestations), to have a second pathergy test, lite pathcrgy test was performed by needle puncture on the skin of the forearm. Three methods were used: 1- needle prick with a 21 - gauge needle. 2- needle prick with a 25  gauge needle. 3- needle prick with a 25-guage needle and the injection of I drop of a sterile normal saline solution. Tlie result was evaluated 24 hours Liter. Tlie shortest interval between two tests-was one month and the longest 13 years. Die mean interval was 35.4 months, the standard deviation was 36.6 Tlurty-nine patients had a negative PI' at their first evaluation. At the second evaluation, 27 remained negative while 12 changed to positive. Thirty-eight patients had a positive PP at their first evaluation. At the second evaluation, 19 remained positive while 19 changed to negative. Although there is a difference between the two groups, it is not statistically significant (x=3.813 , p=0.05). Our data demonstrates that the pathergy phenomenon is waxing and waning, like the majority of other manifestations of Behcet's Disease. TJierefore, it may be repeated for diagnosis purposes.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 121 | views: 198 | pages: 73-76
    Deafness has been considered a non - resolving problem until the invention of cochlear implantation (CI). We are reporting the pre- and post-operative results of 14 patients underwent CI, for the first time in Iran, at the cochlear implantation Clinic of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Four of our patients were able to hold a telephone conversation without difficulty 3 months post-operatively and the rest achieved considerable scores on audiologic tests and a remarkable improvement over 9 month interval between the two sets of tests. Also we have addressed the dramatic improvement in the quality of life of these patients in this paper as well as the results of promontory stimulation and audiometry.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 120 | views: 181 | pages: 80-82
    Breast cancer is preservative of the genetic heterogeneous alterations. In the present investigation, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed on the fresh primary tumours of 6 patients with infilterating ductal carcinoma. DNA-probe for centromere of chromosome 3 (3cen) was applied and in the total analysis, the majority of interphases presented 1 signal (33.6%) which followed by 3 (28,8%), 2 (16.8%) and 4 (13.5%) signals. Only two tomours showed the +presence of more than 6 signals. The presence of 2 signals could be observed in only one tumour (19.6%). In two tumours, 3 signals (33.1%) was considered as the most frequent alteration and followed by more than 6 signals (25.5% and 18.3% respectively), in tumour ID 27, and 3 signals (43.1%) followed by 1 and 4 signals (30.1% and 17.2% respectively) in tumour ID 33. It is concluded that the FISH-technique is able to clarify and diagnose the numerical alterations of chromosome 3 cen in tumour cells of BC patients.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 127 | views: 305 | pages: 77-79
    This study was carried out on 1330 infants, from one to 24 months old, suffering from diarrhoea and moderate to severe dehydration who were hospitalized in Bahrami childrens' hospital over a period of eleven months. Fifteen percent of them had signs of shock and 36% had marasmus. Nine percent of treated children required readmission to hospital within 24 hours of discharge and 8% were hospitalized elsewhere. In 805 patients blood electrolytes were studied when hospitalized and after rehydration. Blood bicarbonate during hospitalization ranged between 2 to 24 mmol/L (an average of 13.4 mmol/L). After rehydration, blootl bicarbonate value reached to range of 8 to 25 mmol/L, (an average of 20 mmol/L). Blood pH was reported between 6.84 to 7.56 when hospitalized (an average of 7.17). After rehydration this value ranged between 7.05 to 7.45 (an average of 7.27).
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 111 | views: 3555 | pages: 83-84
    Femoral mononeuropathy is a complication of gynecological and urological operations. Tlte objective of this citse report is to bring to the attention of fellow urologists the very existence of this complication and offer measures to prevent it. A 48 year old obese worman with a 2 year history of frequent left renal colics, anil a nonfunction left kidney on IVP underwent a retrograde ureterogram study anil a transvaginal ureterolithotomy, in an exaggerated lithotomy position. Postoperatively, a left leg paralysis required 3 weeks of care and encouragement to heal. To prevent this complication, avoid putting too long and too much pressure by retractors on the psoas muscles. During the abdomino-perineal procedures, frequent change of retractor site and monitoring of distal arterial pulses would he helpful. Also, do not use the exaggerated lithotomy position for an extended period of time.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 101 | views: 163 | pages: 85-88
    The correlation between severity and extent of coronary artery disease (CAD) and lipid measurement was assessed in 152 patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Tfie severity and extent of CAD was determined under direct vision of a cardiac surgeon during the CABG. Patients were divided Into two groups: 1. those with very severe and diffuse CAD that all their coronaries were severely diseased. 2) those with less severe CAD that their involvement limitted to certain coronary branches. Patient with all coronary involvement revealded significantly higher mean level of low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Tliese paitents had also higher mean levels of total cholestrol (TC) and lower mean high density lipoprotein (HDL-C); but these differences were not statistically significant. Only 18% of our patients had desirable lipid levels-after CABG. We concluded that higher (LDL-C) levels may related with more severe CAD. However, this is a cross-sectional study; so a carefali controlled prospective study is recommended. Because new studies revealed that lower (LDL-C) levels (LDL <100) mgldl help to maintenance of graft's patency, more attention to LDL-C control after CABG is necessary.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 119 | views: 176 | pages: 89-94
    This study aimed to determine the quantity and character of growth changes in the skeletodental complex of class II div I malocclusion during the pubertal growth spurt in females. Longitudinal hand-wrist radiographs were obtained from each subject and the onset anil end of the pubertal growth spurt was determined. Accordingly two lateral cephaliograms were taken, superimposed and analyzed. This sample consisted of 36 girls (18 class I ami 18 class II div I malocclusions), with no history of orthodontic treatment. Tl"e results indicate that true changes exist during the short period of pubertal growth spurt, which differ in amount ami direction, in various parts of the face am! cranium; also the pubertal growth spurt may have different effects on identical parameters, when compared between class I and class II div I subjects.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 196 | pages: 95-100
    Scleromyxedema is a rare, chronic, progressive, fibromucinous disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by lichenoid waxy papules and firm induration of skin of trunk, face, forearm and hands; fibroblast proliferation and mucin deposition in the upper dermis. Cutaneous involvement is characteristic but there are several associated systemic manifestations: We observed a case of scleromyxedema with multiple systemic manifestations including endocrinopathy and hypothyroidism. Scleromyxedema is a multisystem disorder associated with multiple organ involvement including liver, muscle, kidney and could be associated with endocrinopathies including hypothyroidism.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 167 | pages: 101-103
    - Pseudohypoaldosteronism (P'HA) is referred to a state of endorgan unresponsiveness to aldosterone. In this article a 12 day - old mule newborn is presented with hyponatremia, hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis. Aldosterone level and plasma renin activity were high. Mineralocorticoids had no therapeutic effect, hut normal saline infusion improved electrolyte imbalance. Salt-rich diet was successful in controlling his state, hut he died because of incompliance.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 173 | pages: 104-106
    Great prosthesis for reinforcement of visceral sac is a guranteed operation for unilateral or bilateral inguinal hernias in otil patients or recurrent cases. The greatest use of this technique is in the patients who are at specially high risk for recurrence. We successfully accomplished this technique in 70 cases in our hospital while the patients were countiniously under our close inspection for 12 to 60 months. In this period we had some minor intraoperative incidents: 2 bladder perforations (39c), 21 peritoneal ruptures (309c). there was 4 bulging of groin area (69c) on the second postoperative day. All of these incidents had satisfactory outcome, 'there were no infection of prosthesis also no evidence of phelbit'ts or emboli in our patients, but there was wound infection in one case (1.59c.) which had manageable outcome. Two recurrences (39c) accured in our series. Inspite of above - mentioned incidents and complications we recommend this technique on some patients with the indications suggested bv Stoppa.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 192 | views: 247 | pages: 107-112
    We studied the prevalence of iron-deficiency anaemia in women of reproductive age, between 15 to 49, with a mean age of 31-56±1.34 years, attending Mirzakoochak khan Hospital OB. GYN. Center for routine gynecological and obstetrical examination. We compa'tred mean values for the serum tests and haematological data and investigated etiological factors such as age, marital status, education, spouse's education, occupation, spouse's occuption, number of days of menstrual bleeding, severity of menstrual bleeding, pregnancy status, number of pregnancies, number of deliveries, intervals between successive pregnancies, ami smoking status, as probable causes of iron-deficiency anaemia in women. Moreover the relevance between occurance of iron-deficiency anaemia or ferritin serum level to etiological factors and diagnostic laboratory tests arc analyzed. A serum diagnosis of iron-deficiency was accepted on the basis of one or more of the following test results: serum ferritin levels below 12 figf with or without transferrin saturation below 16%. For the purpose of this study anaemia was difind as haemoglobin (Hb) below 12 gdf . Women have been classified into two groups of anaemic Vs normal according to the diagnosis. Prevalence of anaemia among 41 subjects with complete laboratory results was 36.58%. Moreover, the probability of occurance of iron-deficiency anaemia, in general population was fount! to be 33.3%. As a result a significant relationship was observed between occurance of iron-deficiency anaemia and diagnostic laboratory tests including serum ferritin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), transferring saturation (%), Hb, haematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and etiological factors such as number of days of menstrual bleeding, severity of menstrual bleeding. Same relationship was observed between serum ferritin levels and above etiological factors and laboratory tests except for MCHC ami Hct. Comparison of mean values for the continous variables showed significant differences between parameters such levels of serum ferritin and iron, TIBC, transferrin saturation (%), Hb, Hct, MCH, MCV, MCHC, number of days of menstrual bleeding in two groups. Moreover, since red cell indices including Hct, MCV, MCH, ami MCHC in anaemic group are still within normal ranges and mean of Hb levels in these subjects fall above 10 g df , studied women were suffering from a mild anaemia. Severe menstrual bleeding, among categorial variables, occurred profoundly in women suffering from iron-deficiency anaemia. Therefore it can be suggested that menorrhagia was the most common single cause of anaemia among women in the study.