Vol 22, No 3 (1980)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 136 | views: 194 | pages: 183-194
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 90 | views: 162 | pages: 195-208

    Thirty seven randomly selected patients suffering from multiple s c l e r os i s (MS) (17 males and 20 females)and 30 healthy control subjects were studied for the lymphocyte subpopulations and ce l l -Medi a t e d immunity.We obs e r ved a decrease of the total T-cells and an increase of a ctive T-Lymphocytes and B ce l l s , In MS p at i ent s as compared t o normal controls. The inability of MS lymphocytes t o measles antigen by LMT or LTT in our e xpe r i me nt s could be due t o T-lymphocyte dysfunction.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 158 | pages: 209-214

    A study was undertaken to investigate the role of placenta in transferring drugs containing bromine to the infant. 20 pregnant subjects were given bromine as KBr (500 mg/50 Kg weight) 10h before the delivery the bromine content of the serum in the mother and the child was estimated by neutron.. 13 lrradlated at 2xlO activation analysis. Samples were -2 -1 n em 5 for a period of one hour. A Ge (Li) detector connected to an 800 channel analyser 82 was used for measuring Br photopeaks. In 72% of the cases the distribution of bromine in both mother and child was equal, revealing a transfer across the placenta of the intaken drug.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 118 | views: 183 | pages: 215-223


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 150 | views: 393 | pages: 225-246

    1. The oesophageal plexus is in the structure and arrangement
    of its larger branches constant.
    ·2 . Two trunks arise from the oesophageal plexus, the . anterior vagal trunk and the posterior vagal trunk;
    each trunk contains fibers of both left and right vagi nerves.
    3. These vagal trunks in the majority of instances pass through the oesophageal opening of the diaphragm each in the form of the or two sterns.
    4. Anterior and posterior gastric plexuses mayor may not be present: the one may be pr e s ent , the other
    absent. If present. their formation is limited to the branches destined for the supply of the stomach.
    5. The manner of distribution of the vagal branches is
    in the main constant.
    6. The main gastric branches lie in the neighborhood of the lesser curature.
    7. The anterior vagal trunk supplies the anterior surface of the stomach as far as the pyloric antrum; it does not supply the pyloric canal and sphincter through those branches which lie along the lesser curvature. This statement holds good for the posterior vagal trunk and the posterior aspect of the stomach.
    8. The pyeloric canal, sphincter, and first stage of the duodenum receive their nerve supply from above, receiving twigs from the vagal branches to the liver.
    9. Sympathetic fibers derived from the coeliac plexus reach all regions of the stomach. Twigs may be seen to unite with and run with vagal twigs.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 120 | views: 189 | pages: 225-246