Vol 25, No 1-4 (1983)


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    Serum uric acid , trigly c eride and c holestero l l e vel s were measured in 851 healthy adults in Tehe ran , I r a n . Careful l aboratory and clinical e v a l ua t ion wa s undertaken to exclude any medical problems. Onl y 65% were on iddeal weigh t .The mean uric a c i d v a l ues were 6.1 f or male s and 5 . 1 f or f emale s under 30 years of age. Uric acid l ev e ls above 6mg in females and 7rng in males were obs e rved i n 17% and 27% of subj ects, respectively. Uri c acid values were higher in the studied population compared t o the Nort h American and Europ ean studie s-Increased body weight had t he best cor rel a tion with e leva t ed uric acid l evels. There was s tati s t i cal ly s ignif i c a nt small positive cor rel a t i o n between uric acid and triglyceride, chol esterol and triglyceride, but there was no such correlation between uric acid and c ho l est e rol . Exclusion o f o v - erweight subj ects d i d not abolish t he association of high uric acid wi th h jo~pr ~ r191yceri de l evels. This study a lso provided s ome c r ter i a f or normal va l ue s o f s erum uric acid ,cholesterol, and triglyceride of healthy subjects in our c ountry.

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    The present work with consideratlon to the autoradiographic pictures, suggests that cholinergic receptors are located at the gate of a channel originating from synaptic cleft coming to lie within the muscle fibre. AChE molecules stand at the gate of this channel,controlling the entrance of different cholinergic agents. It was report- ••• ed previously that dtc molecules s t.abD ;:.2e the AChE rnolecules and will obstruct the gate. This blocks the acess of ionic flux within the channel thus producing a non-depolarizing neuromuscular paralysis.The presented experiments imply that depolarizing agent will bring a considerable change in conformation of AChE mole cule and this causes the opening of the gate allowing ioni flux and depolarization .In case of ACh this process is repeated in a fraction of milli second, due to rapid regeneration of AChE while in case of suxamethonium and neostigmine(given in high dose), the regeneration of AChE takes much longer time thus will produce a depolarizing blockade. In this hypothepis the main responsa~ility of AChE
    is confined to identification of cholinergic agents and Cooperation in their function so,it can be accepted as Cholinergic receptor. In regard to clinic, this work suggests that only the use of minimum effective dose of neostigmine is advisable, in reversing curarisation. In contrast to general belief , the dose of neostigmine should be s elec t ed in relation to r eceptor dtc occupation and not depending on pati ent 's weight . As it was demonstrated , the early use
    of high dose o f neostigmine may a lso potent i a te curar i s a tion

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    We hav e obs e r v e d 1 00 c a ses o f pr imar y c a r c i noma of the l i v e r be t we en 195 5-1 97 5 ~n Emarn Khome i ni Ho spital Me- Service de gastro e ntero l ogie c hu

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 81 | views: 165 | pages: 55-70

    Autoclave d dry gr ound beans and ethanol ext r acted g round beans which con t a i n t wo-thi r d of t he haemagglutinin , and one-quarter o f the t rypsin i nhibitors with 80% o f its origi nal t annin we re f ed t o rat s for determinati on the Nitr ogen digestibi l i ty . The toxic f act or s of bea n s k i l led all the a nimals be fore t he complet ion o f t he 10- day per iod ass ay . Fecal DNA of ani mals were twice gre at e r compare d with c a se i n and none-protein fed ani ma l s . Some c ahnges were observed on organs we ight(panc reas,spl e en , l iver , kidneys and adrenals ) compared with cont ro- Is .


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    We have qua nt i t a l ed Hb- Al ~n 125 patients . 74 pa t ient s had chronic Renal Failure . 20 of them had Diabetes wi th Renal Fai lure , 21 Diabetics and 10 patients were evaluat ed as control. We have divided the patients with Renal Failure i n 3 groups according to t heir serum c reatin i ne . Hb-Al in a ll groups "as not correlated wi th serum creat i ne. Hb-Al in Diabetic gr oup was highe r than Diabetic patients with Renal Failure . This group a lso had mor e HbA1 than t he gr oup with Renal ~ailure a nd no Diabetes ,and control group . , Hb-Al was correlated with Blood suger i n all pa t i e nt s s o we can u se
    al Failure the me a sureme nt of Hb-Al i n pati ents with Renunder Dial ys i s with gl ucose solution fo r evalua t i o n of sugar meta boli s m.


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    The most conveni ent me thod f or d e t ermining bone dose duri ng ext ra-oral . radi ogr aphy is ph o togr aph~c r adiation desimetry.This met hod was used bec ause, it is cheap,srnall l i ghtweight a nd adequately sens itive a nd i t a l s o prov i des a p e rmanent r ecor ds ( l O}. I t i s evident f r om thi s r eport tha t a r e l a tionsh i p e xist s between the bone and s k i n dose , age and s ex . In conclusion r e duction o f abs orbed dose can be ac complished by changing the cha racter s o f the x- r a y beam, i t s char a c t e rs can be changed by redtlct i on of t he beam di amet er and i ncr easing t ot a l f i l t rat ion t o 2 . 5 mm . o f Al .(9}