2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol XIII, No 1-2 (1970)
These figures confirm our previous observations regarding the encouraging effectiveness of combined prophylactic treatment of severely exposed individuals with antirabies serum and vaccine. It illustrates precisely the necessity of: I ) The administration of the combined treatment in all severely exposed cases regardless of delay between the exposure and the initiation of the treatment. 2) The administration of booster 10 and 20 days after the termination of the full course of the treatment. It is preferable to administer a third booster dose 90 days after the completion of the treatment.
The prevalenee of intestinal helminths was determined by stool examination of the inhabitants of two mountainous areas in the northeast (Torghabeh) and northwest (8asmenge) of Iran. All members of 20% of the families from 10 villages of Torghabeh amounting to 18 I 2 persons, and 10% of families from 23 villages of Basmenge to 10 I 7 individuals were chosen by stratified sampling method and were examined, and the intensity of infection was determined by egg count. The highest rates of infection were found for ascaris (74% and 81%) in both areas. Then T. trichiura (with a prevalence of 21% and 37%) and H. nana (4% and 8%), were more prevalent infections detected. In Basmenge 57% were infected with one, and 37% with two and 1% with three species of helminths and ouly 8% were free from infection, while in Torghabeh 60% had one, 16% had two, and I% had 3 worms, and their differences discussed. These data are compared with those from other parts of Iran and their differences discussed.
(1) The secondary stage of freeze - drying, particularly the last day, is not important and I suggest the whole procedure is reduced to three days, the primary stage occupying two of these. (2) The mothod used obtains the satisfactory low level of residual moisture. RESUME (3) Experiments on reconstitution with saline and distilled water show that distilled water is more satisfactory and I suggest that saline should not he used.
A 21 year old boy was first seen because of Gynecomastia and primary hypogonadisme. A biopsy specimen from the testes revealed hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules with spermatogenic arrest, and tissue studies showed positive sex chromatin and the Karyotype was 47 (XYY).
A 21 year old boy was first seen because of Gynecomastia and primary hypogonadisme. A biopsy specimen from the testes revealed hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules with spermatogenic arrest, and tissue studies showed positive sex chromatin and the Karyotype was 47 (XYY).
We have studied hypokalemic action of different diuretics in a cooperative study on 28 patients and our results are as follows: I. 28 patients (18 male and 10 female) were the subject of our present study. 2. E. C. G. was taken systematically on all individuals. 3. Clinical signs and symptoms of hypokalemia was looked for in d lily examination of the patients. 4. Dietary K, Na, and CI could not be determined because of lack facilities. 5. Determination ed out in all patients. We strongly believe that small amount of potassium added to diuretics has no beneficial effect on delaying hypokalemia caused by these diuretics. 7. A rich diet containing adequate amount of potassium can sat, isfactorily prevent hypokalemia. 8. Furosemide and mercurial diuretics similarly cause hyponatremia rather than hypokalemia. 9. Thiazides cause hypokalemia rather than hyponatremia. 10. Addition of triamterene can delay the occurance of hypokale; mia in those patients taking thiazides,
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All the work in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |