Vol XVI, No (1973)


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    Liver scan was performed in 37 patients 40 days to 10 years after operation. These sca ns were proved to be co rrect in 47%of the cases and wrong in 12%for the diagnosis ofreccurent hydatid cyst. The doubtfull results are probably due to limited follow up.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 235 | views: 408 | pages: 12-20

    Ju xtacorticul sarcomas arc rare tumors. Thev arc remarkable for their slow evolution . A short review of the literatu re and a brief description of this enti ty is presented together with our observation concerning one case seen at the Tadj Pahlavi Institute Tehran University. An interesting observation was the pa rticularly slow evo lu tion o r IS yea rs duration in our .casc .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 223 | views: 335 | pages: 21-28

    A case of massive actinomyco tic empyema, the fi rst report in Iran, in a girl of 20 yea rs o ld is presented with complete cu re after treatment by d rainage, penici llin and te tra cycl ine. The pathogenesis of actinornycetes and of o ther saprophytes is d iscu ssed. Altho ugh the incidence of actinomycosis has decreased in the a ntibiotic era, the possib ility of the infection should be kept in mind especia lly in rural a reas for a serio us infection that is easily treatable.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 177 | views: 174 | pages: 29-34

    33 Stools from 518 patients suspected of having cholera were examined. From 174 of these patients Vibrio EI Tor was isolated. PO of these strains belonged to phage type IV, 53 to phage type V and one strain was untypable. It is suggested that these strains originated from two different sources.

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    Bipolar cardiac electrograms were obtained in dogs from ischemic areas following temporary coronary artery ligation. Characteristic alterations from the controls were observed, including increase in dura tion, decrease in amplitude and alterations in configuration. These changes were found to be completely reversible upon restoration of coronary flow. The bipolar electrogram has been recommended for the delineation of areas of permanent myocardial damage from normal tissue during cardiac surgery. Interpretation of such bipolar elcctrograms as ind icating permanent myocardial damage must be approached with appropriate caution.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 262 | views: 259 | pages: 42-51

    Anemia and morphological features of the hemopoietic system in 50 Iranian patients suffering from chronic uremia was investigated. The results were compared with the results observed by others; our findings in most instances are nearly in accordance but with the following differences: Whenblood urea was above 401 mg 'X, (BUN 187) there was a slight fall in hemoglobin concentration; anemia was normocytic, rarely macrocytic, or microcytic, and hypochromic in 72 (~l~~; of our patients, 28 ~l,':l of them had concomitant iron deficiency anemia demonstrable by absence or reduction of stainable iron in their marrow.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 237 | views: 349 | pages: 52-57

    The above investigation represents one of Ihe few studies carried out in the field of population genetics in Iran. The differences in all three groups of sIudies which have been carried ouI by Blood Transfusion Centres of the Imperial Army, Red Lion and Sun and Teheran University, inspired us to carry out further investigations on ABO blood grouping and Rh typing in order to obtain the result on table 5. These statistics may not be an absolute pattern for genetic markers in Iran's different population, but it certainly gives an indication that such differences exist. Since the study of genetics in any population is assisted by genetic markers of different components of the blood, it is hoped that this data will serve to stimulate other investigations involving larger studies in this important field.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 207 | views: 287 | pages: 58-68

    Immediate and late post operative complications or radical Neck Dissection were discussed. Preventive measures and the treatment of each were mentioned briefly. Our 10 years experience with complications or neck dissection in the Cancer Institute was presented.