2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol XVIII, No (1975)
Effect of perfusion with low temperature Locke solution on the isolated hearts of adult rabbits and mongrel puppies was studied. The study showed no arrhythmias or myocardial fibrillation at low temperatures in the isolated mammalian heart.
510 cases of surgical lymph node biopsies during a five year periode are reviewed with the following conclusionsThe lymph node biopsy constitues 5% of all the surgical biopsies, The cervical and axillary lymph nodes are the most commonly biopsicd nodes due to their easy accessibility and due to the fact that they drain the lymph from many vital organs: the next most commonly biopsied nodes are the sub-clavicular, grains, mesentric and mediastinal nodes, Among all the lymph node affections the metastatic tumours occupy the first place (23 %) followed by the primary tumours (malignant lymphomas 16%) and the specific inflammatory lesions (10% ), Among the metastic nodes squamous cell carcinoma occupy the first place (8%) followed by digestivetract, lung, thyroid glands, breast, testicular, pancreatic, ovarian and gall bladder tumours.
Poisonin-u b.v Neurotoxic organo phproblem in Iranosphorusproducts is frequentReanimation oft hesc patients depends on the followin g: I - To bcgin rea nimation ra pid ly. 2 - Usage ofatropine and special a nticholisterasics antidotes. In case of need for surgical intervention. - the use of succinv. lcholin isprohibited and other muscle relexants should be used with most care.
A group or twenty ca ses or class IV or New York Hearl Assiciation Classification is reported. T hey were selected among 55 ca ses of mitral valve'10 :; JJj'[ ' ~ J i l l ; J "J() ff1 Ii rll l'li %J1 %:J '/J ; ~1 ?idJ bru: b:;ib -: Jr I'Ji lJ;q :J':.nrlT . JrI'JrrJ'J'Jlil q ':,f[ /Jw[ ' ~ I ;': J ; l q o I I J'l [ I i'1 biq% lJ :Ji•IT x l'; r1 Jo'lo lJ;r!J rlJ i 1/ ;-lm o f[;'-'JTIO') rbid'll "II (, I 10 be car ried out in seven cases. In lWO cases. reported in detail. two commissurcs and ring had to be repaired. The nature of pathology was organic and fu nctional while in the rcmaininu-live cases it was onl.v functional. None or the cases required tricuspid valve replacement. Wc believe that tricuspid va lvuloplasty has a n importa nt position in heart surgery and should not be underestimated . Also. we conclude that no patient should be denied 0PCI1"tion on the basis or the severity or his d isease unless ad vanced co ronal)' di sease or primary myocardiac d isease arc also in volved.
Osteochondromatosis of the hip is a rare disease inwhich segments of synovial membrane become cartilaginous. These may calcify or ossify formin- g osteocartilag-inous masses as loose bodies. It occurs most often in young or middle-aged adults and the etiology or the condition is unknown. The diagnosis can be apparent with due consideration on clinical history and proper X-ray examination or the joint. One case or such disease with typical X-ray findings is reported.
A blood uric acid analysis has been effected on 193 Iranians of the intellectual group aged from 25 to 60, of which the normal average rate for 99
women and 94 men of a normal sta te are (47 .5 -+- '.73) and (53 .62 --'-- ?73) respectively. After ha ving controlled the uricemia of these subjects during a period of th ree years in the three states of healthiness, fatigue or physical strains and sickness, we have been able to note that during physical fatigue and intellectual stra ins the uricemia presents an augmentat ion notable as in the case of the sicknesses. Taking into consideration the hyperuricemia resulting from fatigue and strains, it may be noteworthy to be taken into consideration by the clinical laboratories and the physicians as well .
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All the work in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |