Vol 36, No 1 (1998)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 148 | views: 195 | pages: 1-8
    The overlap syndrome is a vague entity in the, group of connective tissue diseases. It is unclear whether it is fortuitous association of two or more connective tissue diseases (C'l'D). or a distinct disease. The early description of this syndrome was "a collection .symptoms of CTD and the existence of anti - nRN'P antibody". Many studies however, show that the anti • nRNP antibody is not specific for diagnosis. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the clinical and laboratory features of the overlap syndrome in 70 patients with SLE and 49 patients with PM1DM. The main features were then compared with those of the non overlapped disease (SLE or PMIDM) to search for any differences. Sharp, who first described this syndrome believed that die disease was a benign one. We compared the type of the treatment and the mortality rate. Our results seem to show that the overlap syndrome is not a fortuitous association of two or more diseases. 'There are differences separating an overlap svndrome from any of the original CTD. In contrast to the original belief of Sharp, the overlap syndrome is not a benign entity.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 184 | pages: 9-13
    The protein profiles of different Iranian clinical isolats of dermatophytes (Microsporum and Trichophyton) were compared bv SDS polyacrilamide ge! electrophoresis. Although some of the protein patterns were common in both genuses, there were some genus specific protein profiles. Abo within the species variety of distinct protein were profiles obtained. Protein patterns can therefore distinguish between different genuses, species and strains.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 110 | views: 163 | pages: 14-18
    This .study is a retrospective study of 10 patients with early gastric cancer, (6 from Imam Khomeini hospital between 1985 to 1994 and 4 from private office) . from the standpoint of clinical and pathological views, treatment modalities and prognosis. In Imam Khomcni hospital early gastric cancer comprises near l'7t, (6/560) of all gastric cancers, which may he due to late reference, lack of screening procedures, etc. Mean age of onset was 52 years and male /'female ratio was 7:3. All patients had some type, of gastrointestinal upset like heartburn, epigastric pain etc. Six tumors were located in antrum and 3 in fundus and one was not identified. Macroscopically 4 cases were type Hc, two cases type Ha.two cases type Hb and two were type HI. 5 cases had only mucosa! involvement and 5 had both mucosal and submucosal involvement. In 6 patients the. tumor was undifferentiated, one moderately differentiated and 3 well differentiated. Intestinal metaplasia was found in 5 and gastritis in 9 of them. Only one patient had lesser curvature lymph node metastasis. Subtotal gastrectomy was perfnnncd for 8' and total gastrectomy for two patients. Except for one patient who died 24 hours after surgery due to Ml, 8 others lived disease free for more than or near 5 years after treatment. It is concluded that early diagnosis of cancer through screening procedures results in a better outlook for these patients.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 323 | views: 1088 | pages: 19-27

    The present work compared the clinical efficacy of ropically applied vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), I a, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 (cakitriol) with calcipotriol (Dovonex} in the treatment of plaque psoriasis. A randomized, double - blind, left - right, vehicle controlled study to assess the therapeutic
    efficacy and safety of Mice daily application of 1 pg/g and 5 fJ.g1g chalecakiferol. 1 pglg calcitriol and 50 Ilglg calcipotriol in /00 patients suffering from bilateral, symmetrical, moderate co severe plaque psoriasis was carried au!. Twice daily catcitriol and calcipotriol significantly improved erythema. thickness, seating an d global severity ofpsoriatic plaques, and was much more effective than vehicle (10% hard paraffin in white soft paraffin), but the diffua,ce ill clinical efficacy between cholecalciferol and vehicle was n()( statistically significant. all completion of study, clearance and marked improvement ofpsoriatic lesions was found in 4% of vitamin D 3 (1 /.1.glg) - treated, in 12% of vitamin D3 (5 !tglg) - treated, ill 48% of calcitriol (1/.1.glg)treated, and in 64% of calcipotriot (50 pglg) - treated. Mean sman levels of total calcium, albumin - adjusted total calcium, phosphorus, creatinine, and also mean values of a 24 h urine calcium, phosphorus. creatinine, an d mean urine calcium I creatinine ratio did not show clinically relevant changes in the baseline I end - point analysis. We conclude that topical . catcimol and calcipotrio! are effective and safe for the treamlau of plaque psoriasis.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 120 | views: 341 | pages: 28-33
    From May 1994 to December 1996 thirty patients received viable fresh aortic homografts. Mean age was 55 years (13 to 70), male to female ratio was 2/1, 24 operations were elective whereas 6 were semiurgent. Predominant lesions were aortic stenosis or regurgitation in lb patients, aortic valve endocarditis in 10, prosthetic valve dysfunction in 3, and aortic root pathology in one patient. From technical point of view, aortic root replacement was done in 6 patients, subcaronaiv in 23, and miniroot in one patient. There was no hospital mortality but one death occured due to congestive heart failure.
    Actuarial freedom from endocarditis, reoperations, structural deterioration thromboembolism and other valve complications was ,'00% (during the follow up of 2 to 30 months). It is concluded that homograft valves or root replacement in selected patients offers low mortality and morbidity with a good life style.
    Hemodynamic performance of aortic root replacement is superior than sitberanarv valve replacement.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 114 | views: 180 | pages: 34-36
    A case of an acute intestinal obstruction in a 64 -year - old man, due to cicatriceal stricture of tlie left colon with secondary enteroliths in colon, is presented. Enteroliths in colon arc rare and it is suggested that stasis is the most important factor in their production as ihey arc. most commonly associated with an intestinal sricturc.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 183 | pages: 37-43
    In this unprecedented study in Iran, 30 ambulatory cases of multiple sclerosis (MS), and 30 demographicallv matched normal control (NC) cases were evaluated by a brief cognitive screening test. Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Mini- Mental State Examination (MMSE). Mean scores of the BDl were significantly different in the MS and NC groups, while the mean MMSE scores were not. At least 11 patients were considered cognitivelv impaired. These cases were older at the. time of testing and of symptom onset. Cognitive dysfunction was significantly more common in patients with secondan progressive course compared to the. cases with remitting - relapsing course. Mean Expanded Disability Status Scale score was higher in the cognitivelv impaired cases. No significant difference was observed in the mean BDl scores of the cognitivelv intact and impaired cases. This studv provides an estimate of the frequency of cognitive dysfunction in ambulatory cases "f MS. and suggests a correlation between much deficits and age sympton onset, disease course, and piiysica! disability but not depression.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 132 | views: 170 | pages: 44-46
    Hemangioma of the ovary is reported in a 66 years old woman. Vascular tumors of the female genital tract are rare, especially those of the ovaiy. Most cases are discovered incidentally. The case presented here was missed clinically.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 118 | views: 184 | pages: 47-50

    Experimental and clinical investigations indicate that antibody production and Tvliclper 2 (TN2) cvtokinc pattern, cg; Irucrtcukinc - -I, 10 (JL.J, ILID) arc domin ant during pregnancy_ COflSCqllCIlI~"" The T-/iclpa 1 (THI) celts activities decrease in pregnancy. Thus the cell- mediated immunity is paniattv depressed. All these events help fetus as an allograft survives ill the mother's wems. III this research we: measured Tli cvtokincs in the sera of hcalthv prcgncl!lf and llOfl-preglJ{mr women (IL]. IL-I. intcrfron-gannna; IFN-y). Pregnant women '""1101"'(~d s(l,'lliftcaw decrease ill mean semm level of IL2 and IFN - Y. this means depression of cell- mediated immunity. This /illdillt; explains increased incidence oj some of the intmccllutvr injections ami survival 0/ the [ctus during pregnancy.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 130 | views: 191 | pages: 51-54

    This study compare:.' [he results 0;,.1 outcome of live-donor transplantation between single-artery "',"' mull/pic-ana)' transplant kidneys. Cadaver kidneys with multiple vessels arc retrieved with a patch of the donor artery. 111is is not possible ill the !iI'C donation seuing. Therefore !i1'C donation of rcnal
    allografts with multiple arteries is lIot a straiglnjorward surgery. We studied 22 muttiplc-anery live donor renal allografts among 223 renal transplantations in a sequential. prospective mOllTlCr [or 3 ynJrs. One-year gra{! survival was l)(j.:V:(, ill single-anery group and 95.5":{, in tlns muliplc . arIer)' group. III the singleartery group the complications wae: dctavcd gm[l [unction ill 3.5'7;, rean astomosis o[ tlu: v-essels in 2,9':k, transient post-transplant dialysis in 1. 5 (X" graft nephrectomy ill 2,5';{, AT"' ill 1":'(" Urine leak in 2.5':{', renal anav stenosis in O.5S'(" and lvmpho cclc ill 1%. NOlie: o] thcsc occurred in the
    multiptc-oncry group. This difference is statistically significant IX~ = 8.10). Cold ischemia time: l"'(lS significantly lunger in lilt' multiple . anery group (panastomosis was not siglliftcanl~"' dlffaelll among lht' 2,1,'Youps (I = 1.255). Ttu: totat tcngtli of tile operation IVas IOllga ill lhe mutsiptc-oncry group (p < O. 00(5). In conclusion it is appareIH snas t lu: intra-op crativc complications. posi-operati vc complications and one-year grafr survival are ccnnparabtc ill
    single - ane'Y' "'."'. mutsiptc - arrcry renal transplantation. tn other words, !i1'C - donor transptannuion with muliip!c . arIa)' reno! units is safe and has a good OI/lCO!1le.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 98 | views: 179 | pages: 55-58
    Nineteen patterns with CML have been transplanted in our Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) section since 1991, The mean age of these patients was 26.05 (SD = 9.35). Our conditioning regimen for these patients was cyclophosphamide 60mglkg for 2 days and busulfan 4mglkg for 4 consecutive days. Eleven patients are still alive arid eight patients died during follow-up ranging from 6 months to 5 years. This review revealed a poor outcome for patients older than 30. There was also a rise in the mortality rate when the interval between diagnosis and BMT was longer than 2 years. In contrast with some previous reports, we found no relationship between spleen size in the pre-transplant period and BMT outcome, however recurrence of CM L after BMT correlates strongly with spleen size (P<0.t)01). Cellular recovery (WBC > 1000/ml, PMN > 5001ml. PLT > 1000001ml) correlates directly with spleen size as well (P<0,05).
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 429 | pages: 59-63
    Disodium glycyrrhetinic acid hemiphthalaic (GAP) was evaluated for developmental toxicity in pregnant NMRI mice. GAP was administered intrapcritoneally on days S, 9, 10, of gestation at doses of 0, 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg/dav. On gestation day of IS, after operational delivery, the fetuses were examined for soft tissue, external and skeletal defects.
    Increased absorptions, dead fetuses, and reduce fetal body weight per litter were observed at doses of 50 and 75 mg/kg/day. In addition by using different doses of GAP at different critical gestation times, developmental delay was observed as reduction in ossification centers and vertebral number in caudal region. It seems that GAP at doses of (50 and 75 mg/kg/day) has a cmbiyotoxic and teratogenic potential in mice.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 158 | views: 314 | pages: 64-69
    This report presents the cytogenetic findings (G -banded chromosomal analysis} in 383 cases referred for suspected chromosomal abnormalities because of abnormal clinical features. Chromosomal aberrations were found in 63 116.5%) of these cases, free trisomy 21 (7%) being the most common abnormality , followed by 47, XXYkaryotype (4%). The breakdown figures for each group is discussed in the text.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 117 | views: 205 | pages: 70-73
    It is required for many women participating in Hadj rituals to use some methods to postpone their menstruation, because some of the Hadj assignment rites are performed inside the Mecca Holly Mosque (Masjid-al-haram) and in case the woman pilgrim is menstruating, her arrival to Masjid-al-haram is according to the religous law.
    This survey is to find out the most effective and least troublesome method for postponing the menstruation in women. The population women pilgrims above 15 years old who were chosen bv means of convenient sampling were studied bv this survey The gathering of information was by means of questionnaires containing data such as demographic characteristics woman's background with respect to her previous menstruation, the methos applied to postpone the menstruation and resulting troubles.
    There were 992 studied cases which included 189 cases over 50Years old and 803 cases under 50 years old. Oral citniraceptive (OC) with a low dose (LD) was the best method applied to postpone the menstruation. The meaningful age for using these methods (P<().0()1) was lower than those who used no method, but no meaningful difference between menstruation length "P = 0.56) and menstruation interval (P = 0.251) was observed. Comparison between troubles caused by LD and high dose (HD) one and two daily showed that LD one daily caused less troubles. Considering that with the administration of one daily LDOC spotting (3.6%) and the occurance of menstruation were of least prevalence and with LD other troubles like nausea were lower than other methods, so the best method to postpone the menstruation was using OC tablcsts with low dose and one daily. To eliminate the trouble of spotting by LDOC it i" rccommcncd that the consumption is started simultaneous with the menstruation from 2 cycles before traveling to Mecca, and only during the Hadj period taking of OC be continued after the ordinary weekly taking of drug.