Vol 8, No 3-4 (1965)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 135 | views: 209 | pages: 79-83

    The object of this paper is to draw attention to iron deficiency anemia which is the most common nutritional disturbance in infants and children. Iron deficiency anemia constitutes the most prevalent form of anemia in this age group. The records of infants and children admitted to the Pediatric Department of Tehran University Puhlavi Hospital for various ailments during a one year period (Mnrch l!l63 - HHi-t ) were analyzed. 262 infants and children out of a total number of an5, or 7t•/., showed iron deficiency anemia detect cd by blood film studies and hemoglobin determination, The majority, 123 or 4{).!t•/., of these patients were infants and children between six months and two years of age. The etiology indicates that faulty feeding is the main cause. Infections, parnsitcs, and hemorrhage were among other causes observed. ,'('itll regard to treatment, parenteral iron was preferred because cf its ef., Icctivcncss in short periods of hospital stay. In conclusion, the routine study of blood films and hemoglobin determiualion, especially in the low socio _ economic group of medically less organized countries is advised

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 125 | views: 209 | pages: 84-90

    This a case report of an Iranien jewish young women, who had hypochromic anemia inspitc of incrcscd medullary Iron.. This finding lead to the discovery of Hb H in one of her sister's and one of her daughters, who <11<;0 had hypochrmic anemia. This study is of intercsed for following reason. - First reported case of alta thalassemia in Iran (Though thc beta thalassemia is rather frequent. - Thc Hb H electrophoretic pattern in propositus show increased Hb A2
    (like beta thalassemia trait), but presence of Hb H in her sister and daughter, and presence of minimum quantities of Bart's Hb in her sister.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 111 | views: 167 | pages: 91-99
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 141 | views: 308 | pages: 100-111

    Thirty four patients with rheumatic fever arc studied on ward ;} of Pahlavi Hospital with a view to finding out their serum enzyme levels.
    Five cases had obvious rheumatic carditis who showed raised SGOT and serum aldolase. The cases with minimal evidence of carditis, clinic.ally or eIcctrocanI•Iographi., cally, had only slight! serum enzyme elevation

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 134 | views: 313 | pages: 112-117

    a 10 years old girl suffering from, "STURGEWEBER_KRABBE" syndrom, with the following symptoms is discussed:
    1_ An angiomatose syndrom, especially well distinguished on the right trigeminal region.
    2- A neurologic syndrcm'with left hemiparesis and left Jaksonian seizures.
    :1- An ophtalmologiquc syndrom "glaucoma" and right blindness. ~_ Calcified points were not shown in radiography of skull at present, but they may be present for future. This patient is regularly under supervision

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 222 | views: 557 | pages: 119-121

    . Frequent macroscopic hematuria in multiple myeloma is quite rare and exceptional and no report has been found in the literature. We have presented a case of multiple myeloma who developed frequent episodes of gross hematuria during her long lasting but slowly progressing COurse of the disease