Vol 37, No 4 (1999)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 208 | views: 247 | pages: 199-203

     We have Investigated the preventive effects of oral administration of isolated E.coli ghttam'tc acid decarboxylase (GAD) in animal models. Based on our results, the blood glucose levels were reduced by oral administration of GAD to rats 14 days before intraperitoneal injections of streptozocin (40 mg/kg on five consecutive days). On the other hand, oral administration of GAD to rats before streptozocin treatment significantly (P< 0.05) reduced the levels of GAD - specific antibodies and improved the in vitro proliferative responses of splenocytes to Con A- These data demonstrate tliat oral GAD administration probably generates active cellular meciianisms tliat suppress the disease and raise the possibility of using E.coli GAD as a new means for the prevention of autoimmune diabetes.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 244 | views: 258 | pages: 204-206
     Transient hyperinsutinism has been implicated in the prolonged hypoglycemia observed in small for gestational age or asphyxiated newborns. Tiiesc infants are at high risk for severe and permanent brain damage, thus necessitating appropriate diagnosis and correct treatment.
    A term male asphyxiated small for gestation 30 day infant with long-standing hypoglycemia and intractable seizures was managed successfully. Vie case is described with a review of the literature,
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 235 | views: 387 | pages: 207-214
     Pretreatment of adults of IRAQ strain of AfhStephenSt with a sub-letlial dose of pcrmethrin resulted in a 65% enliancemenl of tolerance to this insecticide. Similarly, pre-exposure of DUB-LPR larvae to a sub-lethal dose of pcrmethrin resulted in increased tolerance to pcrmethrin. For the sensitive IND-S strain, the inductive effect was smaller. Tiie results of bioassays of resistant and susceptible AtX.StCphensi females following pretreatment with sodium phenobarbital and subsequent exposure to pcrmethrin indicated that sodium phenobarbital increases the tolerance level of the IND-S strain to a greater extent titan the DVB-APR strain. Tliere was some evidence of enhancement of pcrmethrin tolerance in larvae of DUB-LPR and IND-S strains when they were treated with sodium phenobarbitaL Larvae of DUB-LPR and IND-S strains pretreated with mentlwl-related compounds exJiibited a significantly enlutnced tolerance to pcrmethrin. Treatment with a mentfwl - related compound induced a significant level of enhanced tolerance, as high as 3-fold in the case of larvae exposed to breeding water containing peppermint leaves in which menthol is probably the main active compound.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 217 | views: 302 | pages: 215-219
     Prostaglandin £j (PGE-^) and indomethacin, a nonstroidal antiinflammatory drug, were separately administered during ortliodontic tooth movement in rats. At the beginning, an orthodontic appliance was placed and activated in male albinos rats. In tlie first examination, the experimental group received submucosal injections of PGE-y (10 mg/kg/day) near the first maxillary riglit molars, and alcohol was injected to control group animals as a vehicle similarly. Jn the second examination, indomethacin (10 mg/kg/day) and metiiyl cellulose subcutaneousfy injected to experimental and control groups respectively. Tooth movement was measured at 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 days. In PGE^ group, tooth movement increased significantly at the beginning of seven days as compared to the vehicle injected group and the number of osteoclast and Howship's lacunae were markedly increased. A significant iniiibition of tooth movement occurred beginning at seven days in the indomethacin group compared to the control group.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 260 | views: 386 | pages: 220-222
     The macroscopic study of 31 adult cadavers proved a variation to Matula and Lang's study. In 2 cases (6.4%) a prevertebral segment ran up to Cy in one of which (3.2%) the middle cervical ganglion was pierced. This, we believe, is significant not only in diagnosis but also in surgical and endovascular treatment.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 192 | views: 206 | pages: 223-226
     Wc studied the correlation between preoperative cervical cytology, postoperative clinicopathologic findings, and sites of metastasis from SO surgically staged patients with endometrial carcinoma Tliirty-faur patients (68%), liad normal cervical cytology, ami 16(32%) had malignant preoperative cervical cytology. Malignant cervical smears were statistically correlated with surgical stage (P = 0.001), histopathology (P =0.010), tumor grade (P = 0.012), depth of myomctrial tumor invasion (P = 0.001), cervical involvement (P - 0.01), lymph node metastases (P = 0.002), and andcxal metastases (P = 0.012). Our study imiicatcs that positive preoperative cervical cytology itself docs not appear to be an independent prognostic factor and probably shouhl not influence treatment decisions in endometrial cancer.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 190 | views: 415 | pages: 227-231
     The resistant* of pateSa against lateral displacement (Le. the stability), was studied tinder a range of conditions in vitro, at a range of knee flexion angles. Muscle forces were applied in physiological directions along the separate quadriceps muscles. Normal muscle actions with constant tension showed constant patellar stability up to sixty degrees knee flexion, and then a significant increase at ninety degrees. A pathological knee was simulated by relaxing vastus medians, and ■ lateral stability then dropped by 47%. Isolated rttlnaeular release in the pathological knee did not improve stability significantly towards normal, while 6mm tibial tubercle medlaEsatum restored stabtBty by 52% towards normal, except neat JuM extension. Combined release phis tubercle medtafisathm. restored stability 59% towards normal In knee flexion, and 23% up to ten degrees flexion.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 212 | views: 240 | pages: 232-236
     Pachydermodactyfy is a rare, benign mostly asymptomatic digital fibromatosis, characterized by swelling on the back and sides of proximal phalanges and (or) proximal interphaiangeal joints. It occurs predominantly in young males although a few women including a familial case were recently described. A history of repeated trauma is sometimes available, but the etiology remains unknown. We report two cases one of which had a history of repeated trauma (rubbing) to the involved area.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 209 | views: 209 | pages: 237-241
    This study lias been carried out on 70 patients who were admitted to S'tna Hospital emergency department with a clinical diagnosis of acute abdominal pain and underewent appendectomy.
    70 pathologic specimens (appendices) were studied macroscopicaky and microscopically; 46 cases were consequently diagnosed as appendicitis and 24 as non-appendicitis. All 70 specimens were examined carefully for the existence or measurement of the 73 variables.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 234 | views: 364 | pages: 244-245
     Toxoplasma EncepfiaUtis (TE) is rare in pediatric patients, but it is an emerging opportunistic infection in the increasing number of immunocompromised hosts. It should be considered in patients who present with fever and evolving CNS symptoms. The outcome of these patients is always poor because of delay in diagnosis. We report one case of toxoplasma encephalitis in a child without HIV infection. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment, are discussed.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 238 | views: 351 | pages: 249-251
    We report a 75 year - old man who presented with a cervical mass, dysphagia anil hoarseness, CT - xcan of neck showed a large cold nodule in the right lobe of thyroid gland, which was followed by surgical excision and its histopathologic exam revealed well-differentiated chondrosarcoma.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 196 | views: 218 | pages: 252-258
    Five cases of giant cell tumor of the lower end of
    radius are reported. Three of the patients were women and two
    were men, the youngest of the patients was 18 years old and
    oldest 37 years. En bloc resection followed by reconstructive
    procedures were performed in three of the cases with good
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 213 | views: 288 | pages: 259-261
    A 62-yr-old woman with a history of papillary carcinoma of thyroid who had undergone thyroidectomy and tracheostomy 5 years prior to admission, presented with bleeding from the site of tracheostomy. Attempts to control the bleeding failed, and the patient was immediately transported to the operating room. Awake intubation was performed and the endotracheal tube was sutured to the skin. A tear in the left common carotid artery was detected and repaired during neck exploration. To secure airway, the trachea was not extubated postoperatively. Six hours after surgery, the tracheal tube was found to be missing. The patient had no respiratory difficulty. Chest radiography revealed aspirated tracheal tube lodged in the left main bronchus. A tracheostomy was performed under local anesthesia, the aspirated tube was removed and a tracheostomy tube was inserted. The patient was discharged from the hospital 5 days later in a good condition.
    Improper fixation of the tracheal tube and impaired airway reflexes due to old age might have led to tracheal tube aspiration.