Vol 22, No 1 (1980)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 269 | views: 239 | pages: 1-9

    Thus the data show a re lationship between radiation and the development of thyroid ca rci noma and i mp l y that s eeking and r emoving such tumors woul d be beneficial . As in most situations, however, this s i mp l e r elationship is clouded by a va r i e t y of associated prob l ems , which mus t be ca r efull y considered.
    The surgical pr oce dure r e c ommended f or r emoval o f a nodule in an irradiated gland was a total l obe c t omy on t he contralateral side . If t he contralateral side by a surgeon with a speci a l interest in the field wa s found abnormal on i ns pe c t i on during t he s urgery , a ne ar total thyroidectomy was indicated.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 223 | views: 255 | pages: 10-22
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 186 | views: 427 | pages: 23-37

    Of 164 cerebral spinal fl uid s amples received, 100 or 60 .9% were f rom pati ent s wi t h s uspected bacteria l meningi t is . The positive cul t ure r ate f or a l 1 the samples was 24' or 40% if on l y t he CSF sample s from menigi t is patients are included. The most common caus e of menigitis in the newborn wa s the gram negative b a c i l l i . Etiological agents i n i nfants from two month s t o three yea r s i ncluded Hemophilus.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 215 | views: 322 | pages: 38-45

    CT 1314 is a new steroid anesthetic which is used for the rapid induction of anesthesia. Its duration of action as well as the time course for the recovery is rapid. It has a high therapeutic index and proved compatible with other drugs used in anesthesiology. No appreciable side effects has been encount e red during anesthesia with thisdrug . To avoid any disturbance in cardio-pulmonary system it is recommended to be injected slowly .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 328 | views: 384 | pages: 46-61
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 278 | views: 386 | pages: 62-70

    100 patients s uffering f rom myocardial i n f a r cti on we r e t ested i n various hos p itals, f o r cho l ester o l , t r iglyceride , and t otal lipid .
    Method s f or choleste r o l , triglyce ride a nd total lipid tests , as wel l as the ir norma l ranges e xpl ained . Spe cifi cations of pa t i ents were compi l e d a s f a r as poss ible and i n Table No.1, a comparison has be en g i ven on the number of addi cts , t h e t ype o f add i c tion , as well a s the s e x of patients. In Table No.2, the r e s ult o f test s on 100 pati ents ob jec t o f ou r s tudy , a r e compared wi t h e ach o t he r and conc lus ion has been drawn . In the l ast part , a general d i scuss ion has be e n made on l i p ids .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 229 | views: 267 | pages: 72-82

    The anatomical and clinical importance of the duodeno pancreatic region has always attracted the attention of anatomists and clinicians, and has given rise, in various countries, to numerous publications. However, to our knowledge, no research work has ever been published on the subject, as applied to the Iranian people. That is why we have been prompted to undertake some research work on the anatomical features peculiar to Iranians.
    Our task has been to make some research work on the terminal choledoque of 46 fixed man corpses, in the anatomical laboratory of the University of Tehran. By comparing the ~onclusions we have arrived at,to that of other countries, we have met with some noticeable facts:
    1) The distance between the major duodenal papilla and the pylorus is generally inferior to that which has been obtained in other countries, a fact which could possibly account for the frequency of duodenal ulcers among Iranians.
    2) The major duodenal papilla was wanting in none of our subjects, and in the majority of cases, it opened into the posterior wall of the duodenum.
    3) In the majority of our subjects, the retroduodenal course of the choledoque remained at a distance of 1 to 1,5 em from the left border of the duodenum.
    4) In one of our subjects, we have met with a case of short choledoque, probably acquired, since the wall of the first duodenum looked fibrous and had become thick.