2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol 1, No 2 (1957)
Through experimentation with several leaves it has been possible for us to point out the existance of two different acid phosphatases. We have studied in more detail the phosphatases of belldon a leaves (Atropa Belladona L. Solanacees). The great part of the phosphatase activity is water extractable. We have compared the activity of the soluble fraction with that not directly extractable by means of water. The insoluble fraction could not be solubilized in a satisfaetC'fY m.anner.The digestion by papaine produced a slight solubilizing effect; on the other hand salt solutions, neutral or alkaline, or water glycerol mixtures had no solubilizing effect on the enzyme, It has been possible to demonstrate the existence of two different phosphatases in the insoluble fraction: the first of the type II,
We have discussed hi t . ] . IS orica and clinical aspects of Semon's L concernIng the hevaviOur of the vocal cords' aw net ve paralysis and the exist' diff In the recurrent laryngeal Althou h ' mg I erent theories for its explanation. g One may fwd certain truth in neverthless, it seemsfl' SOmeof the old theories, ar more ogical and satisfactor the explanation of th S 'L y to us to search e ernon s aw throu h the anatomy of the SU . I g Our new knowledge of penor aryngeal nerve in man d i which innervate the .t' an ItS motor fibers In erarytenOld muscle.
2 cases of Laurence- Moon-Biedl syndrome are described in 2 rothers. They have 5 out of 6 cardinal symptoms of this syndrome i.e. : I) Obesity ,2) genital dystrophia, 3) retinitis pigmentosa, 4)menal deficiency, 5) familial occurrence. Besides, their only sister has ocular signs of beginning of retinitis igmentosa and one of their relatives had polydactylism and another ne cretinism. What is curious in these case is the coexistence of rotatory stagmus in the eyes and a peculiar dark discoloration of the axillar, guinal and pubic regions ressembling acanthosis nigricans. It might be another proof of the syndrome believed by Some rvers to be the region of hypophyse and hypothalamus.
The authors describe case history of three patients who one-side progressive atrophy of the iris. Two of these'cases became later a glaucoma which could' not' be treated' even surgidily. third patient' had a betercebromi of the same side. The authors. discuss t4e different theories for the pathogenesi the pl:imary. progl:lcssive att:phy the iris bu believe that sy~pathetic theory which is nearer to Fuchs' syndrom is more accepJable..
The authors describe case history of three patients who one-side progressive atrophy of the iris. Two of these'; cases became later a glaucoma which could' not' be treated' even surgidily. third patient' had a betercebromi~'of the same side. The authors. discuss t4e different theories for the pathogenesi~ o~ the pl:imary. progl:lcssive att:«;>phy o( the iris bu~ believe that sy~pathetic theory which is nearer to Fuchs' syndrom is more accepJable..
The authors describe two interesting and seldom cases of atrophia gyrata J and believe it to be a congenital hereditary disease with a recessive character. Like retinitis pigmentosa, it does not affect the central posterior parts of the retina but the lesions are around the periphery. The visual fields are narrowed. They discuss; the similarity of this disease with atrophia gyrata described by Fuchs and divide the disease in a malignant form and a benign form.
A simple technic of bronchography which can be carried out by the radiologist is described. Our experience with dionosil has been discussed. We believe the dionosil to be a satisfactory medium for bronchography.
A simple technic of bronchography which can : by the radiologist. is described: .Our experience wiih:-.di()nosi~ has:}jeeI,h:discussed.W belive the dionosil .to be a sa'tisfactor:r' mediu'mi bnmchog aphy.
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All the work in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |