Vol 23, No 1-2 (1981)


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    The leukocyte mi gration test (LHT) in the prese nce of na t i v e IgG, and l l e v amis ole were studi ed in 9 patients su f f e ring from cla s s i c a l r h e umatoid ar.thri t i s be f o r e a nd after treatment with l evamisole . Fi f teen heal thy b l o od dono rs we r e s i mi l a r ly l nvestig ated a s cont r o ls .
    T- l ympho c yte s ub-popu lations (To ta l a nd active) a nd B-c el l s were als o measured i n both g r o ups simult ane ous l y by E a nd EAC- rosette fo rma t ion Th e results show a significantly diminished leukocyte i nh i b i t o r y fac tor (LIP) i n t he p r e sence of nativ a IgG after trea tment wi t h l e v ami s o l e a nd a signifi c a nt inc r e a s e o f active T- c ells in th i s g roup o f patie n t s. In add i t i o n a f t e r treatment tIle Inigration i nde x
    show an increase i n t he presence o f l e v ami s o l e. We have a lso o b s e r v e d a good cor r e l a t ion between the clinical response o f l e vami sole and ou r immunological d a t a.

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    This report ana l ys e s 170 percutaneous puncture of the internal jugular veinley alte r native t echnique from March 1970 t o February 1977 i n Insurance Hos pital No2 and Amir Al am Hospi t al . The re have be en no s e r i ous complications or difficul ties . The me t hod allows fre e movement of the limbs post operat ively and avoi ds the pai nfu l t hrombatic sequelae ass ociate d with the for l ong term c annulat i on .

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    Blood specimens from 22 insulin dependent diabetic patient and 17 nontliabetic subject were collected im EDTA- tubes. Quantitation of Hb-Al was performed by Columne chromatography. The glycosylated hemoglobin component is increased in diabetic patient and found a significant correlation between Hb-Al concentration and blood glucose levels in all diabetic patients. The mean Hb-Al valve for diabetic patients is twice as the mean valve for nondiabetics. The second part of experiment consist of aging bloodEDTA in ambient temerature and a 4c cold room. A sample of each blood was analysed the following days for estimation of Hb-Al after 7 to 9 days and noticed adifferepe between the Hb-Al valves in two specimens and increase of Hb-Al in both samples but after aging forthermore about 19 days, the concentration of Hb-Al in blood kept in ambient temperature was three times more than in blood kept in cold room.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 102 | views: 173 | pages: 45-60
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 95 | views: 202 | pages: 61-70

    Effects o f s e l ected l ow l evel doses of y - Rad iation (100-400 K rad) on t he abi l ity o f toxin strain o f Asperg i l l us flavus t o survive and pr oduce a f latox in in c ul t ure med ium and p is tachio nuts hav e been s tudied . A reduction of 60 per c e nt in growth and spore production by Asperg i l l us flavus in c u l ture me di um was observed after treatment wi th 100 K rad of y - Radiation .
    In spore inoculated pistachio nuts , 100 K rad o f y Radi a tion reduced the a f la toxin B l and G l nroduction by 75% aft er e i ght week s s t orage per iod . The afla toxin prod~ ction ability by Aspergillus f lavus on pistachio nuts was affectively eliminated by t he treatment o f spore inoculated pist achio nuts wi th 200 K rad of y-Radiation , although very l itt le growth coul d be detected after eight weeks ' storage of 40 0 K rad y-irradiated pistachio nuts.


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    A case o f the electrical alternans of t he TU wave and peri odic nega t ive U wave associated with c l ini cal symptoms , e lectrocardi ographic a nd postmortem findi ng s o f Romano- Ward Syndrome has been pres ented. No e lec ~ r o l y te d ist urbance was found t o be r esponsible for t his exceptional l y rare situation . Changes i n A-V conduct i on and left bu n• d Ie branch block could be a t tributed to the d i f f use c or onary s clero sis and s ubs equent i schemia in the myocardial c onduction t.issues . The e lectrical alternans of t he U wave or TU complex of the e lectrocardiogram i s an exceeding ly r are s i t uation without any clearly known mechanism for i ts appea rance . A case of thi s phenome no~ i n as soc iation with RomanoWard Syndrome has been presented whe rein an abnorma l ity i n A-V conduction and left bund le branch block cou ld be encountered .