2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol 43, No 4 (2005)
Tobacco smoke contains numerous compounds, many of which are oxidants and capable of producing free radical and enhancing the oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cigarette smoking on the erythrocyte antioxidative enzyme activities and the plasma concentration of their cofactors. Sixty eight healthy men were enrolled, 32 of whom had never smoked and 36 had smoked at least 10 cigarettes per day for at least one year. Hemolysate superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) activities were measured using spectrophotometer. Plasma copper, zinc and selenium concentrations were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Plasma iron concentration was determined by colorimetric method. We found that erythrocyte Cu-Zn SOD activity was significantly higher in tobacco smokers compared with non-smokers (1294 ± 206.7 U/gHb in smokers vs. 1121.6 ± 237.8 U/gHb in non-smokers, P < 0.01). While plasma selenium concentration was significantly lower in tobacco smokers (62.7±14.8 μg/L in smokers vs. 92.1 ± 17.5 μg/L in non-smokers, P < 0.01), there were no significant differences in erythrocyte GSH-Px and CAT activities and plasma copper, zinc and iron concentrations between the two groups. It seems that cigarette smoking can alter antioxidative enzymes activity and plasma concentration of some trace elements.
Prolonged cough occurs in a large proportion of the 2 million pilgrims who participate in the annual Hajj in Saudi Arabia. There is no unique cause for pilgrims’ respiratory involvement, but several studies suggest a high incidence of influenza as a cause of the disease. To determine influenza vaccine efficacy against respiratory disease in pilgrims, we conducted two similar cohort studies on 51100 Iranian pilgrims who had participated in the annual Hajj in the years 2003 and 2004. We calculated vaccine efficacy in these two years with the use of “1- odd’s ratio” formula and compared the results. The vaccine efficacy for prevention of influenza like illness in the year 2003 was 51% but the vaccine was not efficient in the year 2004. It was concluded that etiologic agents other than influenza virus should be considered as the cause of respiratory disease in Hajj. Bacterial infections superimposed on chronic respiratory diseases, and allergic or toxic conditions are suggested caourses for more investigation.
Celiac disease (CD) has been reported in association with genetic disorders such as Down’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome (TS). This study was undertaken to assess the prevalence of CD among a group of patients with TS. Forty eight girls with TS and a control group composed of 48 healthy girls were screened for CD by IgA antiendomysial antibody (IgA-EMA). Total IgA of serum was measured in all of the patients and controls and EMA was measured in subjects who had normal range of IgA. Endoscopy and biopsy of duodenum was performed for EMA positive patients and pathologic evaluation was done according to Marsh’s classification. Total IgA of serum in all of the subjects was in normal range. Two subjects, both with TS, were EMA positive, resulting in a prevalence of 4.1% for CD in TS. Duodenal biopsy was performed in these patients and histologic changes of samples were classified as grade II in one and grade III b in another one. Results of this study are compatible with previous observations placing girls with TS at higher risk for CD relative to general population and justifying screening of CD in patients with TS.
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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