Vol 24, No 3-4 (1982)


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 100 | views: 195 | pages: 57-67

    The microplate method of e nzyme-l i nke d i rnmuno s o r be n t a s s ay (ELISA) , usi ng alkaline phosphatase anti-human I gG conj ugate , was modified and appl ied in t he dete c t i on of the human b lood specimens among the blood samples prep a r ed fr om human and laborat or y anima l s i n t he form of small dr ied b loodst a i ns on f ilt e r paper . The modi f i e d ELISA t e chnique wa s compa red wit h t he agar double d i f f us ion me t hod of prec ipitin test .
    The results of this primary study showed t ha t the ELISA i n compare to gel diffusi o n t e st is sensitive and specific. It is also enough repr oducible and practical t o be consider as a competent technique for i de nt i f i c ation o f human bloodstains in medicolegal laboratories .

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 91 | views: 188 | pages: 90-96

    Encountered wit h b izarre patterns o f l i v e r metas t a s es dec l i ned our accuracy rate s o the humi liation o f mist ake s motivated me to re-assess t he value o f hepatic sonography in patients s u spe c t ed o f having metastatic l i ver neoplasms . 43 pat ients , who had no t recieved any prior the r a phy , had been studied by gray-scale ult r a s ound . The echographic evidence i n accordance with o ur e x p e r ~ e n ce can be categorized as fo l l ows : I ) l a rge echo g enic or ~c ho poor area , II) d iscrete masse s wi t.h high-level e c hoes spreaded t hroughout a lobe o f the l i ve r , III) e cho f ree mass with i r regular mar q i.n , r .J ) d i f f use a lterat ion of the homogeneous e cho pattern of t he liver , V) Bull ' s - eye ,VI) abscess like,VII) sol id echogenic mass vei th a centra l hyperechoic hor izontal l i ne , VIII echogenic mass ".;i t;l two l a t eral hypo e choic marg i n s, rX) isodense e chog eni c a r ea bounded by an hypoechoic c i r c l e . The f e at u r e s seen i n l iver ultra sonography of t he entire pat t e r ns , a nd those s e en as new c r i teria are presented ~

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    Two cases of hydatid cysts of the orbit causing unilateral exophthalmos are reported. Diagnosis were suspected by means of computed tomography (CT) and confirmed at Operation. CT changes are described and its value in diagnosis of this lesion particularly in the endemic areas is stressed.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 96 | views: 202 | pages: 99-106
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 163 | views: 404 | pages: 107-113

    To f i nd the. inc idence of Phenylketonuria(PKU) i n Teheran a study was conduc ted i n di ffe rent hospitals of Te heran f or a period of Six Years (1974-1980) by screening 8633 neona t e s wit h Guthrie-test . (4) . Among t hese neona tes ,seven had minor hyperphenylalaninemia(5 with 6 mg% and 2 with 8 mg%) . There was only one ca se with definite hyperphenylalaninemia(more t han 20 mg%) .

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    The peutz-Jeghers syndrome is characterized by an association of gastrointestinal polyposis with rnelain spots on oral mucosa, lips, and skin. This symdrorne is inherited as a simple mendelian autosomal dominant trait. Intussusception is by far the most common complication. Although these polyps are widely regarded as hamartomas and rarely undergo malignant change, they have been reported to be associated with carcinoma of gastrointestin and ovary.
    In the case reported here, the cancer developed from hamartomatous polyps.