2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Vol XIV, No (1971)
The acute diffuse hypoxia in dogs by general hypoxia, ligation of the coronary arteries and perfusion of the coronaries in the diffuse hypoxic hear ts. T he results of our experiments suggest that the quantitative diminu tion of oxygen and bloo d supply to the myocardium is, rather than oxygen differential , a determining fa ctor for development of ventr icular fi brillat ion or cardiac arrest.
Sclerosing leukoencephalitis of Van Bogaert IS a fatal illness with characteristic clinical picture and electroencephalographic findings. Although a viral or a immunological ctiology is suggested the exact cause remains.
In o rder to stud v the possible use o r BHC against DLN resistant A. stephensi mysorensis and with a view to determining the va lue of this insecticide in the control or malaria transmitted by th is vector, a Field Experiment (a rea sca le) was ca rried o ut in the Khesht Area. Kazcroun, southern Iran. during 1963. 32 vi llages with a population or 11 . 173 persons were sprayed wit h gamma-BHC (Lindane) at the ra te o r 1000 mg. base per sq. m., during Jul y 1963. T he eff ectiveness o r the insecticide was assessed by the a pplication o r various entomological techniques a nd a monthly pa rasite survey o r the entire population o r the experimental a rea was performed; some epidemiologica l facto rs related to the potentiality o r transmission were wo rked out to sec whether o r not BHC was able to in terrupt malaria transmission. These studies have shown that BHC, at the rate used in thi s experiment. can reasonably control the natural population or A . stephens! mysorensis 1'01' a period o r about 2 mo nths. d uri ng which the transmission or malaria was a lso interrupted or a t least reduced to much lower ra tes. It is concluded that, under th e prevailing epidemiological and environ menta l conditio ns or the experimental a re (and simila r areas) BHC can be used as an emergency spray against DLN resistantmalaria vectors.
A rare case of tuberculosis of many bones (skull, ribs and pubis) is described. There was also paravertebral cold abscess with fistulisation opened to groin region; no lesions were seen in lungs, urinary or gastrointestinal tracts. The response to medical treatment was favourable.
A total of 493 of Sa/mal/ella typh] were phage typed the most predominant among these being type F I. Kristensen reaction showed that the lysotypcs identified in Iran follow the same biochemical pattern as the lysotypes isolated in other countries. As observed in other areas a great majority of our strains also possess the tetrathionate reductase enzyme. Colicinogenc properly was found to be present in only one of Ihe strains. This strain was classified as not Iypable and belonged to group I IV xylose negative.
A case of infec tion with Fasciola hepatica, in which the main cl inical symptoms were urt icaria and asthmat ic attacks, is described. These allergic - manifestations subsided after the infection had been treated.
Stool examinations undertaken among 961 inhabitants ora few villages ~ ~ in Dickleh, Azerbaijan, northwest Iran, revealed the presence of Ascaris among 62 ~j:J of the persons examined. In addition, 17.3 ~~<;, 8 ~~--;'; and 1~>;; were found infected respectively with 1'. trichiura, Trichostrongylus spp. and H. nana. The eggs of Oxyuris and Taenia were seen in the stool of 3.4 II () and 1./5 (J 0 respectively, and 3 patients passed the larvae of Strongyloides stercora/ is. The factors responsible for the finding of higher rates of infection with most of these parasites in another area (Kalibar), which is very close to this area, are discussed.
A patient with malignant lymphoma who developed rheumatoid arthritis and facial edema resembling scleredema of Buschke is described. Pifall s in the clinical diagnosis of this unusual event are stressed. A possiblerelationship between diseases is considered. Lymphosarcoma ... immunological disorders and lymphoproliferative disease is considreved
Myocardial performance, utilizing the isolated canine heart preparation, was studied in two groups: normal control dogs and those subjected to hemorrhagic shock. A marked deterioration in myocardial functional capacity was observed in the shock group. From this study, myocardial incapacity resulting from the period of acute hypotension is felt to be a contributing factor in the death of animals with irreversible hemorrhagic shock.
An ana lysis was made o r the eff ect o n the eyes o f severa l types of d rug. Ad ren ergic. parusymp.uholitic. an ti-adrenergic. psycho tro pic. diuret ic and cort ico id d rugs as wel1 as an ti-depressants. vusod ilata to rs and ca rd io-to nics were among the vario us prod ucts stud ied . The resul ts of Ihis ~l n al "'s is showed th.u before these PI'OdUCb :Irc used . a careful examinat ion o f the eves ions.
2023 CiteScore: 0.7
pISSN: 0044-6025
eISSN: 1735-9694
Ahmadreza Dehpour, PharmD, PhD
This journal is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
All the work in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. |