Vol 3, No 4 (1960)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 108 | views: 137 | pages: 1-7

    This is an account of the whole work of the Institut Pasteur de I'Iran on rabies:
    insufficient efficacy of standard method of treatment in the cases of severe bites, particularly of head bites done by rabid wolves: epidemiological and statistical evidences. Efficacy of the treatment with the new concentrated antirabies sera, combined with the standard treatment: epidemiological evidences. Definition of the modalities of this combined treatment: experimental evidence

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 100 | views: 157 | pages: 8-18

    The author presents a study of •!718 histological examfnation of lymphatic glands carried out in the Department of Pathology of Tehran Faculty of Medicin in the last 20 years. Tuberculosis shows a high frequency with 1891 cases of which, 1034 cases were female. Other affections listed below were much more commun amongst the male.
    After tuberculosis the following conditions were seen in the order of their frequency: sarcoma, simple adenitis, lymphogranulomatosis, Brill Symmer's disease, leukemia and metastasi

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 122 | views: 131 | pages: 19-25

    1) Fifty coagulase posittve strains of staphylococc~~ ~folated fr.o~ .the nose
    and wrist of Hospital nurses have been examined for sensltfvlty to pemcilhn, tetracyclines,
    chloramphenicol, dihydrostreptomycin, erythrorriycm, neomycin, kana.n:ycin,
    bacitracin, polymyxin-B and the triple sulfa. The percentages of fully sensittve strains at the present are as followe:                                       Erythromycin                                       100%
    Neomycin                                             78%
    Kanamycin                                            78%
    Chloramphenicol                                     68%
    Dihydrostreptomycin                               52%
    Penicillin                                                18%
    Tetracyclines                                         16%
    Polymyxin-B                                            1%
    Triple sulfa                                              0%
    2) The following topics have been discussed:
    a) The origin anr" mechanism of drug resistance
    b) Cross-resistr.nee
    c) The hospital epidemiology of Staphylococcus
    d) The clinical implications of Staphylococcus drug-resistance

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 152 | views: 165 | pages: 26-29

    Colorimetric estimation of Carotene in Enteromorpha intestinalis, a se.awe~d of the family of Ulvaceans abounding in the Lake of Rez?,yeh, has. proved ?' Vlt~rrlln activity of this plant corresponding to 3000 Internatlonal Umts of vitamin A approximately.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 151 | views: 322 | pages: 30-34

    A case of right hepatic lobectomy for massive cavernous hemangioma is presented. Symptomatology and also operative technic are described. Postoperatively the patient developed fever due to a bile stained right purulent pleural effusion which cleared up with few aspiration - punctures and local injection of antibiotics.
    Hepatic function tests carried out 7 months after the operation were identical with those obtained before the operation. Clinically the patient seems quite well.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 114 | views: 192 | pages: 35-39

    A ase of recurre'nt raised interacranial pressure is described. At operation posterio-rcfossa arachnoiditis was found. Histological examination suggested a Tuberculous etiology. Four months after the operation she died from an apparently acute tuberculoua meningiti