Vol 33, No 1-2 (1995)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 124 | views: 186 | pages: 1-11

    During a 30-month period. 2S patients with deep infected median sternotomy wounds were managed surgically. Fifteen patients had chronic sternal osteomyelitis with associated costochondruis, 7 patients had only costochondritis, and 3 patients had dehiscence and/or mediastinitis. Twenty were male and 5 were female Their ages rangedfrom 11 to 71 years. Nine patients had 11 failed previous attempts by other physicians. Debridement a/bone or sternedomy with removal of infected cartilage and soft tissue following primary reconstruction was carried out A total of35 operations were done Twenty-one patients were successfully treated in one session, however, in 4 patients with recurrent infection, a total of10 additional operations were done. Inadequate debridement was the most common cause of recurrence. Recurrent infections were managed with another muscle or omental flap, in addition to debridement or resection. We conclude that muscle transposition after adequate debridement or resection is an excellent method for deep and chronic sternal wound infections.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 136 | views: 303 | pages: 12-17

    Corneal neovasculariuulon (CNJ1 can cause significant visual loss. The kinetics of endothelial cells durin{: microvascular growth were studied usinga model of alkaline cauteriuuion-induced neovascularization ofthe 40 rabbits cornea. Changes in DNA synthetic activity of endothelial cells during neovasculanuuion were assessed by autoradiographic studyojJJl_TdR incorporation, In vivo and In vitro. Microscopic study demonstrated that migration and redistribution of existing endothelial cells from the limbal vessels enabled vascular sprouting and elongation with cellular proliferation.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 119 | views: 173 | pages: 18-21

    Nucleolar organizer regions are loops a/nuclear DNA related to ribosomal DNA, and their number in cells is believed to indicate cellular proliferative activity. Using_a silver staining methodto visualize thesestructures inparaffin embeddedtissue sections, an attempt was made to determine ifthese AgNOR counts could be used as a diagnostic toolfor serous borderline tumors of the ovary. Ten cases in each group a/benign, borderlineand malignantserous ovarian tumorswereselectedand themean numberofAgNORwas determined in all cases. A progressive increase in mean AgNORvalues was naedfrom the benign l oup towards the borderlinegroup and further to the carcinomagrOUPi the differences between the means in. each gr~Uwere statistically significant However, there was a high ee of overlap between the values ofthe borderline and . ant groups. Theseresults indicatethat AgNORcountsmaynot
    be very useful as a diagnostic tool in an individual case.

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    FromIerz to 1992, 518 cases ojsalivary gland tumors (major andminor) were registered in the Department of Surgical Pathology of Cancer Institute. Of these, 103 cases were minor tumors (56 female and 44 male). Three cases were excluded from the study because of the controversy regarding tlteir diagnoses. TIre most common pathology was mixed tumor (69%) (benign pleomorphic adenoma) and the remaining 31%, were malignant There were 20% adenoid cystic carcinoma and 7% mucoepidermoid carcinoma, with only 3% (or 3 cases) malignant mixed tumor, and finaUy 1% observed as acinic cell adenocarcinoma. The most common anatomic sites a/these tumors were tlte hard and soft palate of 36% and 17%, respectively.

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    Brucella endocarditis is a Tare but serious complication ofbrucellosis and is the main cause of death reuuedto thisdisease: Itis not rare in the endemic areas and aaualiy accounts for up to 8~lO% ofendocarditis infections: We report seven adult cases of brucella endocarditis in lmam-Khorneini Hospual: Contrary to previous independent reports, female patients were not rare in this study and accountedfor three out ofseven. Four patients were cared for by combined medical and surgical treatment and were recovered Three of the patients that did not receive the combined theraPl could not he saved This report confirms the necessity of prompt combined medical and surgical treatment ofbrucella endocarditis.

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    Hydatid cyst of the thyroid gland is rare, even in areas where echinococcosis is endemic. We report two cases of hydatid cyst of the thyroid gland and one case of a hydatid cyst in the soft tissues of the neck, in the latter, the cyst was superimposed on the thyroid gland and presented as a thyroid nodule. In one patient, fune needle aspiration biopsy produced severe anaphylaxis. In view of the rare occurrence of hydatid disease of the thyroid gland, fune needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules can be performed routinely in areas enderric for echinococcosis but should be avoided if hydatid disease is strongly suspected.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 103 | views: 191 | pages: 35-38

    The present study introduces a rare case of phakomatosispigmenJovascularis, which is charaderiud by the existence ofpigmentary naevus ond vascular naevus. Until 1985, 63 cases ofthis syndrome have been reported, mostly in Japon (56 cases). This is the first case of phakomatosis pigmentovascularis, reported in Iran.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 123 | views: 194 | pages: 39-42

    17lis study was conducted on 8,743 pregnant women, who reported to the labour units of University Hospitalsfrom January 1993tiU January 1995. Out ofthis influx a/pregnant women, only 762 hadprel{nancy induced "YEertension (PIll), an incidence approximating 8.71%. Mild and moderate cases ofpreeclampsia formed 78.35% and severe preeclampsia was only 21.65% ofthe entire and established cases of PlY We had only one maternal mortality and one case ofconvulsive episode. Five patients had /0 undergo predate Caessarian section (es). Most of our patients JeU within the age range of20-25 years. The findings accumulatedfrom this study is presented with an acceptedprotocol ofanesthetic management The study was aimed at providing statistical analysis of these high risks obstetric cases. An attempt was made tofind and explore a logical panacea, which would possibly allay the anxieties
    and apprehensions ofthe obstetricians and anesthesiologists catenngfor these patients with their complicated and erratic pathophysiology.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 107 | views: 184 | pages: 43-46

    A woman patient who had received external radiotherapyfor breast cancer developed secondary tumor in the irradiated area after nineyears. We offer our observation on this case which seems to be radiation-induced sarcoma

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    A biopsy diagnosed patient with Creut7,{eldt-Jacob diseaseis reportedin. Iran. This 53~year-old hunte'r,esented  n May 1994 to Mehr Hospital with typica clinical manifestations of Creunfeldi-Jacob disease and died 4 months later. Brain biopsy revealed severe neuronal loss, spongiosis and gliosis oj cerebral cortex. E;xposureofthis hunter to the brain tissue ofanimals may explain the route of transmission ofthe disorder.

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    Earlyesophageal carcinoma defined as carcinoma with invasion limited to the mucosa or submucosa, is being increasingly recognized Tunely diagnosis ofthis early form ofesophagealneoplasiaprovidesthe o/?portunityfor curative resection. Wefound 2 casesofthis entity among 533 cases of esophagealsquamous cellcarcinomas resectedbetween 1989 and 1993 in the Cancer Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 110 | views: 207 | pages: 55-57

    A review of500 cases was undertaken in order to identify which patients undergoing hrsterectomy for benign disease weresubjected topreoperative intravenous pyelogram (lVP) and/ or barium enema (BE), and what abnormalities couldbe anticipatedbythese procedures as a surgical screen.
    Over 80% ofthe cases reviewed underwent trans-ahdominal hysteredomy, and the remainder hadvaginal hysterectomy. Close to one-third of the patients were admitted with the diagnosis offibroid; and one-sixth with uterine prolapse. Miscellaneous benign conditions included adnexal masses, ovarian cysts, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Twentytwo patients (4.4%) had IVP preoperatively, while eight patienls (1.6%) were given both lIP and barium enema prior to hysterectomy. Over three-fourth ofthe 22 patients revealed normal IVP, while one-half who had received both IVP and/or BE had an unremarkable roentgenogram interpretation. None of the subiects who had unusual findings in either group were ofclinical significance on the pathology report Post-operative coursefor the patients was also quite unremarkable. This review indicates that when benign disease is clear-cut and hysteredomy is indicated there is no needfor IVP and barium enema.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 122 | views: 191 | pages: 58-60

    A rightcephalic vein cannulation was performed in a patienJ scheduled/or elective craniectomy in order to keep a constant record ofthe intra-operative fluid volume. The flow ofthefluid through catheter was sluggish. The catheter was cautiously and gingerly withdrawn after an x...,.ay report con/innedknotting at the distal end. We believe that a chest radiograph is mandatory to rule out catheter knotting ifan impediment is anticipated in the flow.

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 96 | views: 179 | pages: 61-62

    A 14-year old boy was presented with Q rare form ofmovement-induced drop attacks, which was also present in his father. 17Jis case was, therefore, labeled as familial paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis.